Thursday, March 22, 2007

Justice Department Intervenes In Tobacco Company Investigation

From American Progress

ETHICS -- BUSH LOYALISTS INTERFERED IN GOVERNMENT'S TOBACCO COMPANY INVESTIGATION: "The leader of the Justice Department team that prosecuted a landmark lawsuit against tobacco companies said yesterday that Bush administration political appointees repeatedly ordered her to take steps that weakened the government's racketeering case." Sharon Y. Eubanks, who served for 22 years as a Justice Department lawyer, was in the middle of a government investigation claiming that the tobacco industry had conspired to lie to smokers when "Bush loyalists in Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales's office began micromanaging the team's strategy in the final weeks of the 2005 trial. ... She said a supervisor demanded that she and her trial team drop recommendations that tobacco executives be removed from their corporate positions as a possible penalty." Eubanks said top Justice officials largely ignored the case until it became clear that the government might win against the tobacco companies, recalling that she received an "angry phone call" about the case from Kevin McCallum, the then-Associate Attorney General. Eubanks's supervisors instructed her to tell key witnesses to alter testimony and "read verbatim a closing argument [the Attorney General's office] had written for her." Eubanks said she is revealing the interference now because of the recent revelations about the administration's prosecutor purge. "Political interference is happening at Justice across the department," she said. "When decisions are made now in the Bush attorney general's office, politics is the primary consideration...The rule of law goes out the window."



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The ACLU, Hazleton, PA. and Illegal Aliens

   Let us now take another look at illegal aliens. I do not call them immigrants because they have not migrated here in the legal fashion and they are therefore illegal aliens.

   In a small town in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, the ACLU is trying to get the towns new  rules that target landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and businesses that employ them overturned claiming that the federal government has the exclusive power over immigration policy.

    ACLU lawyer Witold "Vic" Walczak said at the defense closing arguments today that the city of Hazleton has tried to "scapegoat and demonize illegal immigrants. To lay the problems at the feet of undocumented immigrants is unfair," in response to city Mayor Lou Barletta who has said many times that illegal aliens are to blame for the rise in the cities  crime rate, overwhelmed schools and other problems. Source

* * * *      Walczak acknowledged that Hazleton, a city of about 30,000, has endured an increase in violent crime, but he said illegal immigrants were responsible for only a few of the 428 rapes, robberies, aggravated assaults and homicides committed in the city from 2001 to 2006.

He also pointed out that Hazleton's overall crime rate declined at the same time its Hispanic population was growing.

Most illegal immigrants, Walczak said, "come here to the land of hope and dreams to make a better life."   AP

   Maybe Mr. Walczak should tell his clients that things would go alot smoother if they applied to gain entry into the United States by legal means. Then they would not become immediate criminals when they crossed over the border.

    What part of illegal does the ACLU and the rest of the bleeding hearts in the United States not understand? It is a crime for these people to be in the states when they are undocumented and just wondering around, ripping off citizens when they buy stolen identification to go to work at some factory which is hiring them and breaking the law in doing so.

   Get in line behind the other millions who did things the right way to get into the United States to have their hopes and dreams come to pass. I did!



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