A divided Democratic House voted to order Dictator Bush to bring the United States troops home from Iraq next year.
Of course we all know that the Bush Crime Family will veto this measure which was voted on pretty much along the party lines at 218-212. One good thing about this is that it is finally something binding which the Democrats have been unable to do up until now.
Democrats said it was time to heed the mandate of their election sweep last November, which gave them control of Congress.
"The American people have lost faith in the president's conduct of this war," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ( voting record), D-Calif. "The American people see the reality of the war, the president does not." AP
The bill marks the first time Congress has used its budget power to try to end the war, now in its fifth year, by attaching the withdrawal requirements to a bill providing $124 billion to finance military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan for the rest of this year.
Excluding the funds in the House-passed bill, Congress has so far provided more than $500 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, including about $350 billion for Iraq alone, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. More than 3,200 U.S. troops have died in Iraq since war began in March 2003. AP
A reader at another news website suggested on Thursday that if the Democrats really want to get the White House's attention, then why not cut other funding instead of the war funds? They suggested that Congress cut the budget for Vice President Cheney's office for starters, $1 budget, and then work their way down the list.
That may not be such a bad idea when it comes to certain branches of the government and maybe the blogger's and readers should suggest this to their representatives.
Cheney would then have to spend some of that hard earned kickback money from Halliburton if he wanted his crime office to be functional and maybe the cost would bankrupt his sorry ass.
While we are at it, we might suggest to our representatives that they begin gathering evidence against these clowns for future impeachment. I kind of sense that they may be doing this already.