Wednesday, March 28, 2007

With Iran, Could the Bush Clan Be Planning A New " Operation Northwoods " ?

   First off, Bush needs to get educated and so does the American public! I'm not talking about those of you who pay attention to what is really going on in the White house and the rest of the world. I'm speaking to those of you who sit around with your heads stuck up your asses thinking that everything is going fine and dandy with the Iraq war and that Mr. Bush can do no wrong.

  Wake the fuck up! Many of you still believe that lord Bush isn't going to attack Iran and that he would never declare Marshall law in the United States.

    Let me explain something to those of you who may be a little slow up in the attic.  Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the crooks in the White House have nothing to lose. They risk not one thing by attacking Iran.

  You can see the writing on the wall! It has already started with the little dispute between Iran and Great Britain over a ship that was supposedly boarded by the Iranians in international waters. The Iranians clam that the British ship was in its waters and they took the crew into custody.

   This is just what the White House and Mr. Blair could use as an excuse for invading Iran. I do think that there is more to come before the United States attacks Iran as this is just the start for an administration that has been trying to come up with a reason for war.

  Back to the Bush Crime Family.

  You have at this time Alberto Gonzales facing calls to step down from his post as the U.S. Attorney General after hooking up with the White House to fire prosecutors that the Bush clan did not like. that is only because the prosecutors wouldn't indulge in the criminal activities that where ordered of them.

    At the currant rate that this scandal is going, Gonzales will be either fired or he will be the first impeachment casualty of the Bush Crime Family. Once Gonzales does go down, someone else will be next in line and close behind.

   Bushco understands very well that their days are numbered no matter what kind of road blocks they try to throw up. Bushco understands very well that  the possibility is there that they could face war crime charges and a host of other charges.

  There is only one way out for these criminals, and they are criminals, and that is to start another war ( Iran ), and hope the United States has another version of 9/11.

    Most United States citizens don't realize that part of the Patriot Act gives Bush and company the power to declare Marshall law if the United States is attacked by terrorist again. This would be the Bush Crime Family's only way to survive, for awhile at least.

   Keep in mind that J.F.K.'s military people were looking at ways to draw Cuba into war with America and one of those ways was to attack our own U.S. citizens and claim that it was the Cuban's.  I should note that Kennedy did not know of this plan, called Operation Northwoods.

   Read more on Operation Northwoods HERE and HERE.

   We all know that Bush and the rest of the cabal are nothing but snakes who like crawling around on their bellies while scaring the shit out of everyone. We also know that Bush and friends have no morals of any good use, so it should not surprise you if another variation of Operation Northwoods has been drawn up by this clan.

   Marshal law and war are the only way for this group of hoods to stay in power and to stay out of impeachment and out of indictment and out of prison, or so they think.




Bush: On Iraq,Public Opinion Is On My Side


By Greg Sargent | bio

For a guy with an approval rating in the low thirties, President Bush sounded awfully sure of himself today. In his remarks this morning, President Bush actually seemed to suggest that when it comes to the current standoff between the White House and Congress over Dem efforts to mandate a pullout from Iraq in the war spending bill, public opinion is on his side -- in defiance of all polls showing the contrary.

From his remarks today:

Members of Congress need to stop making political statements, and start providing vital funds for our troops. They need to get that bill to my desk so I can sign it into law.

Now, some of them believe that by delaying funding for our troops, they can force me to accept restrictions on our commanders that I believe would make withdrawal and defeat more likely. That's not going to happen. If Congress fails to pass a bill to fund our troops on the front lines, the American people will know who to hold responsible.

Actually, the American people support the measures that the Democratic Congress is trying to implement to end the war -- so, yes, they probably will have a fairly good idea who should be held responsible if Bush vetoes these efforts against their will.

Pew poll, March 26:

A solid majority of Americans say they want their congressional representative to support a bill calling for a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq by August 2008. Nearly six-in-ten (59%) say they would like to see their representative vote for such legislation, compared with just 33% who want their representative to oppose it.

Gallup poll, March 26:

Would you favor or oppose Congress taking each of the following actions in regards to the war in Iraq?

Requiring U.S. troops to meet strict readiness criteria before being deployed to Iraq: Favor 80%, Oppose 15%

Setting a time-table for withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq no later than the fall of 2008: Favor 60%, Oppose 38%

Also note Bush's line about how members of Congress think "they can force me" to do what the public wants. That's what this has come down to now.

