Saturday, March 31, 2007

Bush's Troop ' Surge ' In Iraq Going Just Fine. NOT!

   According to the Associated Press the United States suffered almost twice as many military casualties as the Iraqi army did in March.

Associated Press count

U.S. military: 81 deaths

Iraqi military: 44 deaths

Iraqi figures: 165 Iraqi police deaths

AP count: 3,246 U.S. troops killed in Iraq since March 2003

Iraqi civilian deaths: 1,872 says the Iraqi ministry  

* * * *

   So if the Bush clan  says that the ' surge '  is working in Iraq, they must be referring to the deaths of the U.S. troops being higher than the Iraqis.

   If more troops are getting killed than are the Iraqis,then a few things are going on here.

  1 ) Our troops are showing up for work and the Iraqis aren't.

  2 ) Our troops are not quite as good as the Iraqi troops are

    We all know that the United States troops are showing up for work and that they are doing the majority of the fighting. That is a given no matter what those hoods in the White House and Fox News will tell you.

   We certainly know that the United States troops are much better than the Iraqi troops will ever be, so that leaves one other choice.

  The Iraqi troops aren't doing jack shit! Period! If the Iraqis were taking the lead in their own country then they would be pushing up daisies at a higher rate than U.S. troops are.

   We are slightly better armed and equipped ( ? ) than our host is yet we still get knocked off more than they do? There is something wrong with this picture.

   The word is that the United States is going after Iran very soon ( April 6 ), and if this is even close to right, which I doubt, then we will all get to watch the presidents ' surge ' in action.

    More ' surge ' in troops and more  ' surge ' in U.S. casualties.

   Thanks George!


Sweating During Communion

   I could not resist this letter to the all mighty Mr. Donahue

   From PatriotBoy


Saturday, March 31, 2007
Why I sweat during communion

William Donahue
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Dear Mr. Donahue,
While I'm glad you won your battle against the artist who created the naked chocolate Jesus, I don't totally agree with your reasons for taking him on. I'm not at all offended that the artist planned to shoot creamy nougat out of Our Saviours wounds or that he planned to serve Our Lord's fine chocolate flesh to the public--it's kind of what communion is all about, isn't it?
Nor am I particularly upset with the artist for sculpting the Redeemer's immaculate thingy, although the thought that the communion host transubstantiates into something with a penis is very discomforting, particularly because I get kind of excited when I think about it. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure the Pope has had similar thoughts many, many times, so I guess it's OK. I mean, it doesn't make me any more homosexual than the Pope. Right?
I'm more concerned about the size of his sacred member. It looks like it must be, what, five inches long? That's nearly three times longer than normal. You know the minute a guy's wife sees something like that, the jokes about not being made in God's image are going to start flying. It's bad enough we're always being called names like "Vienna Sausage Boy" and "Mr. Softy" as it is. Are we going to have to endure taunts about being a fallen angel or The Little Drummer Boy, too?
Anyway, I guess the point is now moot thanks to you.
Heterosexually yours (really, despite the thoughts I have during communion),
Gen. JC Christian, patriot

