Monday, May 28, 2007

GOP Candidates Using 9/11-Iraq Ties In Their Campaigns

  Like we should expect anything better from the Repugnicans when it comes to the truth? Come on, they wouldn't know truth if it bit them in their asses!

   What we have is the Republican's three stooges ( McCain, Romney, Giuliani ) out and about as strong as ever spouting off the usual Bush bullshit about the Iraqi war in their lousy attempt to defend the American presence there, still. You know their toys well enough by now, Iraq was responsible for the 9/11 attacks, blah, blah, blah.

      Remember the debate in South Carolina? Senator McCain made the suggestion that Osama bin Laden  would "follow us home" from Iraq, leaving the impression that bin Laden is in Iraq, which he isn't.

   Giuliani, not one to be left out of the chat, said this, "these people want to follow us here and they have followed us here. Fort Dix happened a week ago " after he was asked a question about Iraq. Of course, it is known that none of the six were from Iraq nor were they involved with al Qaeda.

   the GOP hasn't gotten so use to their own spin that I think that they believe their own lies.

  Let us not forget dear old Mitt Romney! He went ahead and threw out the names of different groups that he said, "They want to bring down the West, particularly us.And they've come together as Shia and Sunni and Hezbollah and Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, with that intent."         source

  It is noted that the experts say only a few of those groups that Romney mentioned actually have worked together and others have only threatened the United States.


Spokespeople for McCain and Romney say the candidates were expressing their deep-seated convictions that terrorists would benefit if the United States were to withdraw from Iraq. The spokesmen say that even if Iraq had no connection to the Sept. 11 attacks, Al Qaeda-inspired terrorists have infiltrated Iraq as security has deteriorated since the invasion, and now pose a direct threat to the United States.

But critics, including some former CIA officials, said those statements could mislead voters into believing that the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks are now fighting the United States in Iraq .

Michael Scheuer , the CIA's former chief of operations against bin Laden in the late 1990s, said the comments of some GOP candidates seem to suggest that bin Laden is controlling the insurgency in Iraq, which he is not.

"There are at least 41 groups [worldwide] that have announced their allegiance to Osama bin Laden -- and I will bet that none of them are directed by Osama bin Laden," Scheuer said, pointing out that Al Qaeda in Iraq is not overseen by bin Laden.   The Boston Globe    read more

     Factually challenged group of Republicans? Indeed!  Do the intellectually challenged  28% of the population really want to go through another Republican president?


Fox News At Bottom Of The News Barrel

   Most of us with an I.Q. over five or at least a pre-kindergarten education have known that FoxNews is anything but a news network, especially where the war in Iraq is concerned or the prosecutor purge for that matter. Anything which places the bush Crime Family in a bad light is generally down-played on this network.

  Here  is a look at the important stories as far as FoxBews has been concerned.

What's more important: Iraq or Anna Nicole Smith?

Depends on which network you're watching.

According to PEJ's first quarter News Coverage Index, "MSNBC and CNN were much more consumed with the war in Iraq than was Fox." (See the chart to the right.)

In daytime, FNC devoted 6 percent of its time to Iraq, and 17 percent of its time to Anna Nicole. For CNN, the mix was 20 percent Iraq, 5 percent Anna; for MSNBC, the mix was 18 percent Iraq, 10 percent Anna.

"Fox also stood out for its lack of coverage on the firings of the U.S. attorneys, compared with the other channels. The story, which gained real momentum in mid March, consumed a mere 2% of Fox’s total airtime. CNN devoted twice that percent (4%) and MSNBC four times (8%)," the report says...

