Monday, August 27, 2007

Alberto Gonzales Resigns!

Yahoo News

CRAWFORD, Texas - Embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, under fire from congressional Democrats, has resigned, senior Bush administration officials said Monday.

A senior Justice Department official said that a likely temporary replacement for Gonzales is Solicitor General Paul Clement, who would take over until a permanent replacement is found.

Another official, also speaking on grounds of anonymity, said that Gonzales had submitted a resignation letter last Friday. These officials declined to be identified because the formal announcement about Gonzales was still pending.

  That would be one down, and many more still to go! This is great news for the United States. Now if we can just get around to beginning this shitheads prosecution in a court of law!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Iraq Evaluation Written By The White House?


Despite Bush's repeated statements that the report will reflect evaluations by Petraeus and Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, administration officials said it would actually be written by the White House, with inputs from officials throughout the government.

During internal White House discussion of a July interim report, some officials urged the administration to claim progress in policy areas such as legislation to divvy up Iraq's oil revenue, even though no final agreement had been reached. Others argued that such assertions would be disingenuous.

   Ten bucks says that the September report has already been written a month or so back, especially if the White House is doing the writing.

  Come on people, are we really to believe anything that comes out of General Petraeus's mouth or from out of the mouth of the White House?

  I guess that it hasn't dawned on the Bush Crime Family that only 28% of the population still has their heads stuck up their asses or either still buried in the sand.