Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tucker Bounds Can't Answer Questions About Sarah Palin's Experience

  If this whole thing wasn't a serious issue, this shit would be funny. Tucker Bounds was asked what kind of national security experience does Sarah Palin have, and the answer is...


Monday, September 01, 2008

RNC Attempting To Quiet Protesters!

  Freedom of speech seems to be getting tossed to the wayside at the Republican National Convention. This trampling on our rights can not stand!


LINK! Democracy Now's Amy Goodman arrested @ RNC!

by smartinez Mon Sep 01, 2008

Freedom of the Press is really in danger folks. I mean really in danger. Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now! has been arrested today while covering the RNC convention and the corresponding protests. A number of senior DN! producers have also been detained. The program - in its 12th year is a go-to resource for those of us who want the news that MSM refuses to cover in depth.
This is how they quell dissent, clampdown on the free flow of information and make an example out of those who dare to speak truth to power. Call who you need to call, make your voices heard.

Here's the link

and Pacifica announcement

  And to think that there are actually live Americans who approve of this shit! The police state is live and well in Minneapolis.