I cannot believe that John McCain and his happy camp of lobbyist have the nerve to start with the negative ads against the Obama campaign! What gall these clowns have!
I bring up McCain's involvement with Keating not necessarily for you older readers,but, for those of you to young to remember this criminal episode from John McCain's earlier years. This is just the beginning of the McCain saga as he has had his hands in the pockets of quite a few questionable companies and individuals, as you shall see as the election nears.
I'm not going to explain the Keating 5 scandal to you, as it would take some time. I do present a few videos for you to watch and to learn from as far as McCain's first venture into payoff land went.
Next up...
But wait! There's more!
and last,maybe, Rachel Maddow covers the Keating 5 story.
That is all for now class. please do your homework by reminding your friends and family of McCain's less than honest activities.
All videos provided by DKos