Sunday, November 09, 2008

HBO Snags Obama Documentary

  Home Box Office Got the rights to a piece on Barack Obama's run for the White House.

CBC News

"Senator Obama's history-making race for the White House has given our film a perfect framework to explore the pulse of the country at this vital moment in our history," Norton said, according to industry publication Hollywood Reporter.

"We believe this film will capture a tipping point in American history when a new generation of leadership emerged and old prejudices were finally vaulted over."

  Norton would be one Edward Norton, who in a co-producer of the film. Release date is expected to be in 2009.

Heartbreaking Story On Our Healthcare System

  Hidden Hurt, a story on the lack of healthcare in SW Virginia, takes a look at the 800 or so volunteers who provide free medical care to residents of the area for three days of the year. the fact that doctors,nurses, and dentist have to do this at all in the United States is a sad indictment of our healthcare system as it now operates.

Hidden Hurt comes by way of the Washington Post Magazine, which I highly suggest that you read it.

  But for three days a year, more than 800 volunteer doctors, dentists, nurses and other health-care workers come from all over Virginia and beyond to this isolated place in Appalachia to provide free medical care to those who cannot afford it. Sick and hurting people by the hundreds gather and wait for the gates of the Wise County Fairgrounds to swing open -- their presence a testament to the country's health-care crisis.

  We all know that people in this kind of situation exist all over America and this shit needs to change.