The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Approval Index for Sunday shows Barack Obama enjoying a +19 rating.
More voters are concerned that Obama will bring too much change to the nation rather than too little. Most Democrats worry there will be too little change while Republicans and unaffiliated voters hold the opposite view.
Overall, 59% of voters somewhat or strongly approve of Obama’s performance so far while 38% disapprove. Michelle Obama also receives positive reviews.
So why are they polling on Obama's performance when the only thing that he has done thus far is to pick his cabinet?
The number of voters who say the nation is heading in the right direction and confidence in the War on Terror have also increased. A plurality of voters believe that Obama will govern as a partisan Democrat rather than on bipartisan basis.
While Republicans are disappointed in last week’s results, 78% believe it’s likely that the next President after Obama will be from the GOP.