Thursday, December 18, 2008

Republican's Engage In Class Warfare....

   which is nothing new with this group of creeps.

    The GOP is using the UAW as their excuse for derailing the auto manufacturer bailout. the UAW wouldn't take a pay-cut down to the level that workers make at Toyota and others. The fact is that Toyota and the rest of the foreign workers should be making what our Big 3 is making. But, that's for another time.


The failed negotiations in the Senate over the Detroit bailout bill provide Americans with a preview of the political class warfare that will break out in the next Congress. The attempt by the Senate to pass a Bush White House-Democratic bill failed. It was scuttled by a group of conservative Republican Senators led by Tennessee's Bob Corker. They pushed to revise the bailout in a deal-breaking way that would allow them to blame unionized auto workers for its demise.

Corker's group framed the issue as one of protecting taxpayers from greedy, overpaid, unionized workers who had contributed to the American auto industry's demise. By so doing it sought to harness American outrage over bailouts to an anti-union political agenda. Both efforts were highly cynical and hypocritical examples of the politics of class warfare at its worst.

Corker entered the negotiations by demanding that the automakers reduce the wages and benefits of unionized workers to the level of Honda and Toyota's American factory workers. By imposing a demand on the union that was not required for any of the other parties--lenders, suppliers, dealers, or executives--Corker and his group were able to set up the auto workers union, the UAW, so that it would take the heat from the public if the bailout failed, or so that it would be weakened internally if it made the demanded wage concession.

  It would seem that this tactic has worked for them so far. Most Americans are buying into the " it's the unions fault " story from the Republicans. What a shame that we have to go through this sorry affair in the first place.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bad News For Chrysler workers...

  as they are pretty much being laid-off until January 19,2009, effective at the end if this Friday's shift. All of the companies manufacturing facilities will be closed, which means that 30 plants will see no work. That's some 46,000 UAW workers who will now sit at home over the holidays thanks to people like Bob Corker and the rest of the Republican Party killing off an auto bailout package for purely political reasons.


Chrysler says these employees will receive state unemployment benefits as well as supplemental payments from Chrysler during the layoff according to a union negotiated formula. 

These workers will not be receiving their regular income.  There will be an unknown number of white collar workers who will not be working as well, but the expectation is that they will continue to receive their regular salaries during this time.

As for the number of cars and trucks not being built -- the privately held company (which wants billions of your tax dollars) will not disclose that information.

The company says dealers are telling them there are buyers out there, but they can't get financing and as a result, have lost 20 to 25 percent in sales.  One bankruptcy expert predicted that while Washington tinkers with how much aid to provide and under what conditions, the auto companies will continue their game of chicken.

  I see the " sky is falling " scenario up next, just as was with Wall Street. Both sides of this equation will play chicken and in the end it will be the taxpayer which loses either way.