Friday, January 16, 2009

Keith Olbermann on George Bush Presidency: 8 Years in 8 Minutes...

  was a very good look at the Bush Crime Family and their inept, lie-filled 8 year reign of terror from the White House.  Watch THIS video!

Political Humor This Week...

  and boy is there much of it, what with Bush doing his farewell pity-party tour and such.

Jay Leno:

    "President Bush has asked all the major networks for 15 minutes of air time on Thursday to give his farewell speech to the nation. Well, the White House says he's going to use part of the time to list his accomplishments. No word yet what he's going to do with the other 14 minutes."

    "Barack Obama says one of the first things he'll do as president is sign an executive order closing down Guantanamo Bay, to which President Bush said, 'Hey, well that's nothing. I've closed down factories, car dealerships."

    "Barack Obama also says he wants to bring a sense of accountability to Washington. I've got a better idea. Why don't you bring some accountants to Washington, okay? Tell us where the hell our $750 billion went!"

    "President Bush, appearing on Fox News Sunday morning, confirmed that he is planning on writing a book. Bush admitted he'll use a ghost writer. Well, sure, if it's about his Presidency, it's going to be a horror story. He'll need a ghost writer."


David Letterman:

     "Cold, isn't it, ladies and gentlemen? It was so cold today people were throwing shoes at Al Gore."

    "One week, and Barack Obama will be the new President of the United States. I'm telling you, things are really starting to look bad for Hillary."

"President Bush is busy saying good-bye to everybody. Last night he was on Larry King, and I think tomorrow he's making a farewell lasagna with Rachel Ray.
Bush is getting nostalgic. He says he's not sure how he will feel on January 21st, but I think I kind of know how the rest of us will feel."

    "One week from today, Barack Obama becomes president, and the current president becomes George W. Bush, mall cop. Did you know that?"


Conan O'Brien:

    "President Bush has been giving Barack Obama a lot of advice. They've had a few meetings and he's giving Obama advice. Yeah. President Bush has told Barack Obama that his biggest challenge will be an enemy attack. Specifically, Bush told Obama to keep your eye on Hillary."

    "Today was President Bush's last Cabinet meeting. At one point, Bush got emotional and said, 'I never got to find out what HUD means.'"

Jimmy Kimmel:

"President Bush has declared an advanced state of emergency in DC from Saturday until Wednesday to allow for extra security for the inauguration. Apparently, the President obtained information from a very reliable source that on Tuesday an unidentified black man is plotting to break into and actually live in the White House for at least four years."

    "By the way, it seems fitting to me that President Bush would leave Washington, DC, in a state of emergency on the day he leaves office."

    "The President was on 'Larry King' last night for one last hard-hitting interview before he packs up and tries to find his way back home to Texas. King asked the President if he personally lost money in the stock market. Bush said he has no idea because all his money is in a blind trust managed by a Nigerian prince who's about to collect a huge inheritance."