Monday, January 19, 2009

" We The People" Must Demand Justice...

  and the prosecution of of the Bush administration is the only way that we will stop the kinds of crimes committed by Bush and others before him. Forgetting the past and moving forward doesn't cut it this time around. Bush and the boys/girls need to be held accountable so that future administrations, Obama's included, do not commit these same errors.

The People vs. George Bush

by the national gadfly    Mon Jan 19, 2009     ( edited )  Full Article

The world knows what he did.  The American people know what he did.  We have a choice.  We can demand justice.  We can defend ourselves from enemies to The Constitution, both foreign and domestic.  It will not happen if we do not.  The overwhelming call to action at was for the prosecution of criminal behaviour from the White House.

George Bush is what we got for pardoning Nixon.  Nixon was a megalomaniac whose paranoia was his undoing.  Bush is much worse: a mouthpiece for the corruption of power amassed in Oil & Defense industry executive suites.  But, the motivations for breaking the law of the land from the highest office are not important.  What is of utmost importance is this: precedent.  In this specific instance, the precedent of breaking the law of the land from the highest office.  It is the path to dictatorship.

Here is how I see it:

  • Nixon took the first step, spying on Americans, lying about it and destroying evidence.  Ironically, and perhaps because he was an attorney, he believed enough in the laws of the land to fear impeachment.  Like I said, he violated The Constitution (and his oath to protect it) from the irrational thoughts of paranoia and egotism.
  • Ford set the stage with Nixon's pardon.  In typical white, male privileged class, he looked America straight in the eye and told us that this was for our own good. It was not for our own good.  The example was set that the President is above the law.
  • Reagan took office and began several GOP slight-of-hand strategies that continue to this day.  Distract the public with Jingoism, label government as bad and greed as good, project the President as good ol' boy / cowboy who talks tough and does the right thing.  In the background, Iran/Contra, the systematic destruction of protection for consumers, investors and union workers, collusion with religious nut jobs to repeal the gains of women's rights and minority rights.
  • Clinton betrayed us by lying about the affair.  I don't care who he had sex with.  But, as the highest employee of the people and our paid / elected champion of the rule of law, he broke his oath.  He also showed that a President can be impeached and remain in office and hired Blackwater.  I'm more irritated with Bill Clinton than the others on this list, because I know that he knows better and can do better.
  • George W Bush (or should I say Dick Cheney?) came through having learned the lessons of those I have already mentioned.  Namely, that the President will do whatever the hell he wants and no one can stop him.  He spied on us, illegally 'reditioned' us, and falsified justification for a war that has killed 1 million Iraqis.  Saddam Hussein did not kill them, George Bush did.  Award contracts to Halliburton, KBR & Blackwater: companies that have all broken laws including rape, murder and fraud only to be protected by collusion and lack of jurisdiction / accountability.

So, the choice is real simple and I think it is very clear.  The world is watching.  The people are watching.  We all know that he broke the law.  We have a choice in our response: investigate/prosecute or ignore/deny.  The former option is in line with our Constitution.  The latter is only going to pave the way for much worse offenses and misery for the generations to come.

Obama Supporters In D.C.: Arrest Bush

   The arrest Bush movement in this country is growing by leaps and bounds and the desire to see Bush prosecuted will be on display in Washington,D.C. from now till Tuesday.

Obama Supporters in DC Want Bush Arrested     Original

by David Swanson  Mon Jan 19, 2009

Sunday evening I spoke on a panel in Washington, D.C., about war crimes, and in walked a group of spirited activists led by Laurie Arbeiter wearing "Arrest Bush" sweatshirts and carrying "Arrest Bush" signs, and they were absolutely dumfounded by what they had just experienced.  They'd spent the day at the train station in D.C. and on the streets of D.C. as excited Obama celebrators poured in by the tens of thousands, and they'd been unable to walk a dozen steps without people stopping them to have their photo taken with an "Arrest Bush" sign.

It's worth remembering that Bush is approved by 22 percent of Americans and a smaller percentage of non-Americans.  It's hard to get under 20 percent in any poll in this country.  More people believe in UFOs than approve of Bush.  The media meme that prosecuting Bush would cost Obama political capital has not been proven false, but it is absolutely baseless until someone produces something to base it on.

So we had a little strategy meeting Sunday night and produced hard copies of an already running petition asking Eric Holder to appoint a Special Prosecutor.  We got clipboards and pens and identified teams.  As I write this Monday morning we are preparing to gather at Dupont Circle for a rally at 11 a.m. followed by a march to the White House where we will throw shoes at the outgoing war criminal.  On Tuesday we have a permit for the whole sidewalk in front of the FBI Building along the parade, and we'll let you in if you have a sign that says "Arrest Bush."  No other ticket required.  At these and many other events and all over the city in the next two days, we hope to add many thousands of new people to the petition and collect their contact information to integrate them into the movement to get tough on (the biggest) crime.

If you're not in DC, you can sign the petition yourself or print out a PDF to collect signatures in the real world at

This is not a fantasy, boys and girls.  The New York Times' Scott Shane and Attorney General Mukasey agree with me that prosecution is now going to be hard to avoid.  When even Nancy Pelosi has figured out where we're going, you know the winds of change are blowing strong.  That's the dangerous thing about telling people that anything is possible: they'll end up insisting on what they really want.  And they want lots of new laws, but they very dearly want us to start enforcing the old ones too.