Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Obama Breaks “Net Neutrality” Promise…


….which should come as no surprise to anyone in this country who happened to have voted for this punk. Another sell-out to America’s corporate masters,and the White House has the gall to say that these new rules are not a sellout? Read the White House statement and then decide if they are slinging a load of crap.


Today was another historic sellout to big corporations by the Obama administration, not some kind of "win." We need to set the record straight.

I've put together a page with three clear reasons why today's rules are a sellout, allow corporate censorship, and end the Internet as we know it. I've also copied them below. Can you share this page with our friends so we can get the word out?

If you're on Twitter, please click to share this: NEWS:  @FCC breaks Obama promise, allows corporate censorship - no Net  Neutrality rules. 3 things to know: @WhiteHouse

If you're on Facebook, click here to spread the word.

Here's why today's rules are nothing but a sop to big business:

  1. Corporate censorship is allowed on your phone: The rules passed today by Obama FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski  absurdly create different corporate censorship rules for wired and  wireless Internet, allowing big corporations like Comcast to block  websites they don't like on your phone -- a clear failure to fulfill Net  Neutrality and put you, the consumer, in control of what you can and  can't do online.
  2. Online tollbooths are allowed, destroying innovation: The rules passed today would allow big Internet Service Providers  like Verizon and Comcast to charge for access to the "fast lane." Big  companies that could afford to pay these fees like Google or Amazon  would get their websites delivered to consumers quickly, while  independent newspapers, bloggers, innovators, and small businesses would  see their sites languish in the slow lane, destroying a level playing  field for competition online and clearly violating Net Neutrality.
  3. The rules allow corporations to create "public" and "private" Internets, destroying the one Internet as we know it: For the first time, these rules would embrace a "public Internet" for  regular  people vs. a "private Internet" with all the new innovations for  corporations who pay more -- ending the Internet as we know it and  creating tiers of free speech and innovation, accessible only if you  have pockets deep enough to pay off the corporations.

The FCC could have reclassified Internet as a communications service -- reversing a Bush-era mistake -- regulated greedy corporations like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T with enforceable rules, and protected free speech online. But they didn't -- instead, they allowed these corporations to write their own rules.

It's imperative the FCC's action today isn't seen as a "win" for Net Neutrality -- the Internet is still unprotected from corporate abuse and we still have to fight until we truly win. So help us spread the word.


Monday, December 20, 2010

FCC Set To Vote On Net Neutrality


    The FCC is scheduled to vote on Net Neutrality on December 21,2010. For us users of the internet,this is a big issues and one in which you should be massively concerned about as our lovely corporate internet providers would like to be able to decide how much net speed you will have use of based on how much you are willing to pay for such speed. If you do not wish to pay for to much,you might as well get used to the fact that your broadband speed could start running like the old dial-up services did. Our ISP’s wish to form different levels of service to sell to the net users (us). Of course,the home users will do most of the suffering because many will not pay to have speeds that company’s like Google will have.

   You need to fight this shit and this is how you do this.

   Go to The Writers Guild of America and please sign this petition. You must be heard in this matter.

  So just what is Net Neutrality?

Definitions of network neutrality      Wikipedia

At its simplest, network neutrality is the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally.[9] Net neutrality advocates have established different definitions of network neutrality:

Absolute non-discrimination
Columbia Law School professor Tim Wu: "Network neutrality is best defined as a network design principle. The idea is that a maximally useful public information network aspires to treat all content, sites, and platforms equally.
Limited discrimination without QoS tiering 
United States lawmakers have introduced bills that would allow quality of service discrimination as long as no special fee is charged for higher-quality service.
Limited discrimination and tiering
This approach allows higher fees for QoS as long as there is no exclusivity in service contracts. According to Tim Berners-Lee: "If I pay to connect to the Net with a given quality of service, and you pay to connect to the net with the same or higher quality of service, then you and I can communicate across the net, with that quality of service."[1] "[We] each pay to connect to the Net, but no one can pay for exclusive access to me.
First come first served
According to Imprint Magazine, University of Michigan Law School professor Susan P. Crawford "believes that a neutral Internet must forward packets on a first-come, first served basis, without regard for quality-of-service considerations.