I bring you some of the latest Tweets from journalist and citizens living in Egypt.
nolanjazeera Volleys of gunfire ringing out over #Cairo right now. Sounds like area near Interior Ministry? Another sleepless night for #Egypt 24 minutes ago ·
AymanM #egypt number of protesters dwindling down at Tahrir Square but atmosphere of defiance not waning #jan25 31 minutes ago · reply
RT @astroehlein: If the #Egypt revolution doesn't convince US cable companies to carry AJE, nothing ever will. #ratings !! 15 minutes ago via TweetDeck
RT @sharifkouddous: Tents in the middle of Tahrir Square.Some people lying down on grass.Many will sleep here.They refuse to leave. #egypt 17 minutes ago via TweetDeck
RT @AymanM: #ElBaradei has arrived at Tahrir Square, huge crowd gathers around him #egypt #jan25 (via phone) about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
RT @BorowitzReport: #Egypt wants #Mubarak out today, but he has requested "a two-week embezzlement period." #Jan25 about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck
RT @sharifkouddous: The energy is indescribable. Huge part of crowd clapping in unison, chanting together. #Egypt about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck
and just for the humor…
RT @ianvisits: Fox News (who else?) regional map puts Egypt in the wrong place - in Iraq as it happens. http://j.mp/e5Gg81 about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck