Friday, March 25, 2011

American Taliban Governor Rick Scott…

   ….has announced a new policy which will be drug testing for new applicants seeking employment in state agencies controlled by the governor’s office. There will also be random testing of those currently employed.

    A similar rule was declared unconstitutional by a federal judge back in 2004, but Scott mouthpiece Brian Hughes  says that lawyers have told Scott that he has legal ground to do this.

   Scott also wants recipients of unemployment and welfare to be drug-tested, which a Senate committee has moved forward in bill form.      Source

     Let me get this straight. Governor Scott cuts back on education funding, destroys jobs that would have been provided by the light-rail system that he killed off, and this piece of shit wants to now spend money on testing out of work citizens applying for unemployment and/or welfare benefits? Wonder how much that is going to cost the less fortunate in Florida because it sure as hell will not be the richer residents or the business community, neither of which pay much in taxes, if anything.

   By the way. I do favor drug testing new hires before giving them jobs with the state. Maybe Scott should add alcohol testing as it seems to be even more of a problem than dope does.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuberculosis Strain Will Infect 2 Million…

  ….people between 2011 and 2015 according to World Health Organization TB expert Mario Raviglione who also says that hundreds of thousands from around the planet will die from what is called a multi-drug resistant form of the illness unless  more of an effort is made to come up with some way to contain  this MDR-TB. Source