Saturday, April 02, 2011

Why Become An American?

   Original Article

Why Become an American? 

by ulookarmless         Fri Apr 01, 2011

It’s fashionable these days to find fault with most things American. To hear some tell it America is responsible for much of the misery around the globe whether social, economic or religious. For others, America has been taking what it wants without paying for at least two hundred years. And still others decry this nation’s gargantuan appetites for energy, food, communications and weaponry.

To make matters worse, America harbors the worst kind of know-nothing, backward looking, history denying, revisionist, flag waving, jingoistic, pea brained, closed minded troglodytes to ever grace a television studio. AND THEY SEEM TO BE WINNING!

So why should a thinking, well traveled, somewhat educated, open-minded, seeker of new experiences choose to become an American?

An anecdote from my past will illustrate. When I lived in Hong Kong, I hired a quite brilliant Chinese statistician for my consulting firm. He took the English name of “Oscar” for meetings with our American and British clients. Now Oscar had a pronounced stutter, a stutter which was extremely noticeable, as he said, “O-o-o-only on vowels”. One day, I asked him “Why then, did you name yourself Oscar?” to which he replied “ I-i-i-i-t was a challenge!”

I kinda feel that way about my adopted country.

There are so many great people in this country.
There are so many wonderful opportunities to right the wrongs perpetrated by the evil doers like Cheney and his minions.
I find the attitudes of the younger generation have changed dramatically.
I see it in my children. An attitude of giving before taking, of sharing before hoarding. And it gives me joy.

The mewling and screeching of the Tea Party governors and the other elected idiots around the country have only served to awaken the real “silent majority.”

Those good and honest people who will not stand for this nonsensical behavior any more.

Just read this list, they are their own adjectives! Boehner, Cantor, Palin, McConnell, Paul, Walker, Kasich, Bachmann, McCain, Romney, Pawlenty and on and on. They don’t need qualifiers or further explanation. Each name signifies an inflexible, owned by the corporations, unprincipled, automatic disagreement with any Democratic position.

On the other hand, the diversity within the Democrats, often a cross to bear, is our very strength! That’s what I’m looking for. That’s what I value. I have no desire to join an army, I’m really not into joining organized groups of any kind unless it’s for a good meal and conversation over a glass of wine.

So, in the end, why become an American?

Because, like my friend Oscar said all those years ago back in Hong Kong  “I-i-i-i-t’s a challenge!”

Originally posted to Indigo Kalliope: Poems from the Left on Fri Apr 01, 2011

Friday, April 01, 2011

Friday Funnies

  I actually had some work this week which was a good thing, I guess. 20 hours was a bit of a disappointment but the pay was excellent.

   Have a great weekend Everyone!

Conan O'Brien :

"President Obama says that he prays every night before bed. Or as Fox News reported, 'Obama in Daily Talks With Allah.'"

"Obama said that one solution for using less oil is more nuclear power. He also admitted that he doesn't follow the news."

"General Electric did not pay any taxes at all last year. Of course that’s because G.E. reported its sale of NBC as a charitable donation."

Jay Leno:

"Newt Gingrich said he's afraid America will become an atheist country dominated by radical Islamists. Right. Our big problem could be religious atheists, almost as bad as pacifist warmongers. If they hook up with the communist capitalists we're screwed."

"We're down to the final four now. Only four Middle East countries we haven't attacked."

"Congress is mad at President Obama because he didn't consult them before the war in Libya. Congress got us into two other wars and put us 14 trillion dollars in debt. I can't imagine why he didn't consult them."

"In the wake of record losses, the U.S. Postal Service announced it is cutting 7,500 jobs. But a spokesman for the post office said those positions could be restored if this whole email thing turns out to be nothing but a fad."

Bill Maher:

"Michele Bachmann threw her hat into the ring. We think she's going to be running for president. For those who find Sarah Palin too intellectual. Michelle Bachman for President. As a comedian, all I can say is, where can I donate to this cause?"

"If Bachman and Palin get in to the presidential race, that's two bimbos. And there there's Mitt Romney, the millionaire and Newt Gingrich, a professor. We just need a skipper and a buddy and we've got 'Gilligan's Island.'"

"A new poll shows that one of the major parties in this country – I won't tell you which one – is a majority birther party. That's right, more than half of Republicans now think Obama was born in Kenya. They literally do not know where babies come from."