Friday, April 08, 2011

Fund The Troops?



[T]he House Democrats tried three times to pass a measure that would ensure the troops received pay. The Republicans overwhelmingly opposed every single “troop-funding” opportunity....

What’s more, the Obama administration announced today that it “would support a short-term, clean Continuing Resolution” like the alternative Democrats offered. Thus, by voting against these measures, House Republicans are flatly refusing to support any “troop funding bill” unless their anti-abortion and anti-environmental riders get passed. Incidentally, Republicans have ensured that, unlike the troops, Members of Congress will still get paid.

Interestingly enough, not all teahadist Republicans are on board. "Sens. Pat Toomey (R-PA), Tom Coburn (R-OK) and — surprisingly — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) have signaled a willingness drop the policy rider to reach an agreement and avoid a shutdown." Even more shockingly, Rep. Allen West says he is "disgusted at the perception that Leaders in my own Party...are now using the men and women in uniform" to pass a short-term budget bill.           DKos  

    So we may have a government shutdown because the Tea Party/Republicans/Taliban do not want Planned Parenthood to be funded? Even without the funding, this does next to nothing to lessen the deficit.

   Here is even more on just how much government cash goes into those evil Planned Parenthood clinics, and for what they pay for.

From Planned Parenthood's annual report for 208-09 [pdf].


Ninety percent of the health care provided by Planned Parenthood health centers is designed to:
  • prevent unintended pregnancies through contraception
  • reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections through testing and treatment
  • prevent cervical and other cancers through lifesaving screenings.

For those who are pregnant, Planned Parenthood provides

  • pregnancy testing
  • prenatal care
  • abortion
  • referral for adoption (select affiliates)
  • midlife care helping women manage the effects of menopause (select affiliates)

That's a pretty radical agenda, there, keeping women, including pregnant women and their unborn children, healthy. Too icky for Republicans since it all involves women parts.

By the way, the Republicans aren't just defunding Planned Parenthood, they're taking federal funding away from all reproductive health services—including family planning—for all women's clinics. And none of that funding—none—pays for abortion. Only about a quarter of federal funds for family planning and women's healthcare goes to Planned Parenthood, three-quarters goes to clinics in communities all over the country. And for many American women, those clinics are the only healthcare they have access to.    Source

The Government Shutdown: American Taliban Unknown To The General American Public So Who Will Be Blamed?