…the issue over President Obama’s birth certificate is now officially dead. At least until the ignorant fools over at the Redstate site and their Tea Party friends invent a different conspiracy .
The White House on Wednesday morning released the president's long form birth certificate (pdf) in an attempt to put "birther" questions to rest.
"The President believed the distraction over his birth certificate wasn't good for the country. It may have been good politics and good T.V., but it was bad for the American people and distracting from the many challenges we face as a country," White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in a statement.
For those of you who will now be joining the reality-based world, though only briefly, go look in your mirror and see just how uneducated, dumb, and ignorant you have made yourself look just for pushing this non-issues for over two years.
That idiot Donald Trump is taking credit for the release having said at one point that many have tried to get the birth certificate made available, but only he was able to finally get it done. What a load of shit.
Of course, the Donald says that the long-form certificate has to now be inspected for its authenticity and such other bullshit.
Trump said he and others are still going to have to assess the document's authenticity. We're "going to look at it. We have to see if it's real, if it's proper," Trump said. But he added that he's "sure it's the right deal" and is looking forward to moving on to more important issues such as OPEC and China.
Perhaps Trump will visit China and impart unto them some of his massive business acumen.