Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Funnies: “ Group Of Stupid “ Edition

  As a side note. Happy Birthday to Jay Leno.  61

Jay Leno:

"The good news is, President Obama was born in America. The bad news is, so was Donald Trump."

"Did you see Donald Trump today? He said, 'I'm very proud of myself because I accomplished something no one else was able to accomplish.' So basically Trump is taking credit for President Obama proving that everything Trump has been saying for the last year is a bunch of crap."

"It’s the 75th anniversary of the introduction of Social Security checks. For the younger viewers who don’t know what a Social Security check is, you’ll never see one in your lifetime, so don’t worry about it."

"A new poll shows that President Obama's approval rating is down to 41 percent. A lot of people that voted for him now say they liked him a lot better when he was a Democrat."

"Every time a kid found an egg, Michelle Obama would make them trade it in for a low cholesterol Egg Beater. They had about 6,000 eggs, and you know who decorated them? Ex-cons. It’s nice to see the White House reaching out to former members of Congress."

Jimmy Kimmel:

These people could have personally witnessed him being born out of an apple pie, in the middle of a Kansas wheat field, while Toby Keith sang the National Anthem – and they’d still think he was a Kenyan Muslim."
"Next up, we ought to say we don’t believe he’s a man and refuse to let it go until he releases his penis.”
"I’m surprised Donald Trump isn’t investigating whether Hawaii is an official state. A lot of vowels over there and not enough consonants."
Sarah Palin has written two books, her daughter Bristol has a book coming out – and now Levi Johnston is writing one too. Who would’ve ever guessed that America’s greatest literary dynasty would come out of an igloo?"


My Warm-Up To The Friday Funnies…

   …and his has a video of Donald Trump out in Las Vegas bitching about President Obama, as usual, with Mr. Trump cussing like a sailor. Anything to stir up the ignorant racists I guess.


  What a moron!