It is a sad day in America when many people are to racist to give credit where credit is due. President Obama gave the correct orders to our military and they in turn did their jobs accordingly. CONGRATULATIONS to both!!
How did the kids above make it in to a college? No doubt that they are FoxNews viewers.
Oh yes, the un-educated idiots over at the Tea Party Nation website (registration required) are all up in arms over a black Democrat President of the United States finally doing what the Republican war machine could not do. Killing Osama Bin Laden. They are already spinning the Obama conspiracy theory that this is a made up story.
Reply by American Infidel: Judson, beautiful post. I also give Obama no credit for this, although he is already trying to milk it as cheap fodder toward his re-election, like the disgusting Chicago thug that he is. I agree with the post Governor Palin put on her Facebook page on this topic. She basically said that this is a great day for America, and that the credit for Osama's death goes to our great American military and to our intelligence services. Palin never once mentioned Obama in her Facebook post last night.
God bless America, and God bless our military and intelligence services! I thank them for this, and for all that they do.
P.S. How ironic that Obama would try to take credit for Osama's death. The only thing we can credit Obama for is the rapid Islamification of America, happening at his direction. Obama makes me sick.
Reply by Judy O'Hare: Just food for thought--I received this email early this morning
Ok, I know we are all happy to hear that Bin Laden is dead, however.... check out this interview in 2008, and consider the fact that "usama's" ashes (or body) will be put to rest at sea... Could this be a political re-election tactic? If you think not then just wait. I guarantee there will be no picture of a body or a funeral. Not that usama deserves one, but think about it. Are we all being fooled?
Reply by mitchell sagraves: I'm still troubled that there is only one letter differentiating the names of Osama & Obama.............they are both terrorists of the United States. Oh how I wish that this had happened under Bush's administration.....W was the REAL president. Obama will be taking all the glory for this. God bless the USA.
Reply by Lisa Marie Campagnoli: I used to laugh at British "newspapers" that had begun to all look like the National Enquirer. Now America's do too. No Drama Obama--right! Have we really been dumbed down as a nation so much that we are accepting this story line as truth and not an Obama publicity stunt, right as the bad news about the dollar has just gotten worse, right as he releases a "birth certificate" that looks photoshopped, right as he his kicking off the campaign hype? I seriously doubt that dumping a body at sea is an acceptable Islamic practice, considering all their other rigid laws concerning food, dress, etc. Call me skeptical about all this.