Monday, May 16, 2011

Republicans Changing Medicare Reform Message

  Thus far the Republican Party American Taliban have been having a difficult  time in conning the American people into accepting their Medicare reform plan as put forth so far. So, what is their solution to get America believing that their plan will not kill Medicare? Different wording, of course.

Talking Points Memo has said that the American Taliban budget mastermind Rep. Paul Ryan and his other partners in crime will be re-launching their Medicare plan under a different meme.

House Republican leaders plan to relaunch their proposal to turn Medicare into a privatized voucher program. Leading the charge will be the GOP budget's architect, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), who is scheduled to deliver an address on the topic at the Economic Club of Chicago on Monday....

Ryan will have to choose his message carefully in order to reassure the conservative base that the GOP's appetite for cuts is undiminished while reassuring moderate Republicans in swing districts that the issue won't wreck their re-election prospects....

Republican freshmen, who powered the GOP to the majority last year, did not abandon the budget, but became increasingly alarmed that criticisms of their plan were gaining traction. At one point a group of Republican lawmakers held a press conference calling for a bipartisan truce on attacks over entitlements. As participants conceded in a joint letter, many of them had run campaign ads reassert their support for the plan. But Speaker John Boehner hinted the same day that "political realities" made it difficult to gain traction. The Medicare proposal looked close to dead after a crucial House chairman, Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), announced he would not advance Ryan's plan through his Ways and Means committee.

      New messaging from the Repugnicans would imply that they will come up with some form of the same bull only in different speak hoping that Americans really are still stupid enough to like their idea.  Gee, I hope not.

Political Cartoons

  I have appointments and a few other things to deal with today so this site will be doing much of nothing until late afternoon. I leave you with a few of the past weeks political cartoons to peek at.


R.J. Matson / St. Louis Post Dispatch,


John Cole / Scranton Times Tribune,


Nate Beeler / The Washington Examiner,



Nate Beeler / The Washington Examiner,



Cam Cardow / Ottawa Citizen,