Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Michele Bachman: Fantasy Land

  So this clown kicked of her official run for the Republican presidential nomination today with some more of her factually inaccurate claims about the make-up of the Tea Party, claiming that the group is made up of folks from all over the political spectrum.

  She said:

The liberals, and to be clear I’m NOT one of them, want you to think the Tea Party is the Right Wing of the Republican Party. But it’s not. It’s made up of disaffected Democrats, independents, people who’ve never been political a day in their life, libertarians, Republicans. We’re people who simply want America back on the right track again.

    Gallup says that the Tea Party is massively made up of conservatives with 8 out of 10 saying that they are Republicans, and some 92% of strong supporters voted voted Republican in the 2010 elections.

  Michele, do you ever read any of the actual polling and statistics? Do you ever read?

Michele Bachman

  By flitedocnm    Full Post   Mon June 27, 2011

There are far, far too few good jobs, and far too few even crappy jobs. The middle class is in big trouble.

Let's say this again: the problem is JOBS.

People don't care if the Tea Party is the carefully orchestrated voice of corporate America. Nobody gives a damn that the solutions proposed by Bachmann and her ilk are exactly what got us into this mess.

Michele Bachmann should not be "misunderestimated". She is not stupid. Yes, she's on the far fringe of the right, and is championing ideas that are demonstrably economically suicidal for the middle class. And yes, she's a religious fundamentalist who is only too willing to invent facts, change history, and impose her narrow theocratic vision on this country. But advertising works, and fear is a powerful force.

This nation right now craves strong leadership. When Obama stood tall a few weeks back, and said that we would not allow the Republicans to decimate Medicare, his popularity soared.

If Obama caves to Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor on the debt ceiling, the exact opposite will happen.

Michele Bachmann will present herself as a strong leader. She is god and country. She has answers.

Does it matter that she's all bluster and window dressing, and that her ideas are nuts? Does the public care that there are no jobs because nothing has been done to curb corporate greed and Wall Street excess?

Not a whit.

Bachmann will define herself as the anti-Obama, the exact opposite of the President who has failed to provide jobs.

She could win the nomination.