Friday, July 29, 2011

Oil Companies Post Big Profits…

    … and still the Republican Party insists on letting them keep their subsidies. Does one need further proof that the Teapot Party/Republican Party doesn’t give a rats ass about you?

   Second-quarter profits for ExxonMobile are up 41% to $10.7 billion thanks in part to the rise of the cost of oil and higher gas prices over the last few months. They still need government subsidies be cause as you and I know, $10 billion is not nearly enough to keep them going.

So who else did well? No company lost any money, that’s for sure.

Royal Dutch Shell took in $8.66 billion while ConocoPhillips made $3.4 billion, slightly down from a year ago but they still beat Wall Street expectations.  BP? $5.6 trillion and suffering (?) a loss at the same time last year. Remember the Gulf spill?

  Wonder if all of that political cash to President Obama helped the company stay out of some major crap?

During his time in the Senate and while running for president, Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC and individual money over the past 20 years, according to financial disclosure records.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

GOP: Special Victims Unit

    I’ve been in the midst of still trying to get the remainder of my belongings moved into my new place, on top of doing some actual work a few days this week, so I’ve missed out on most of the political bickering still going on between John Boehner and the Tea Party idiots over the debt ceiling bill.

  Thankfully, I have had the time on Thursday to turn on one of the true news programs remaining in America, The Daily Show with host Jon Stewart. The Teapot Party and the GOP are funny enough in their own right, but Stewart makes the jokers a bit more palatable.