Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday Funnies: Debt Ceiling Edition

  What else is there to laugh about?  John Boehner can’t get the Teapot Party or any other Republicans to vote for his debt ceiling bill, and President Obama doesn’t have a clue, much less a spine.

  John Boehner hunting for Republican votes to get his debt ceiling bill passed in the House


Cagle Cartoons

Jimmy Fallon: "This debt crisis still isn't solved, but yesterday, the White House said it's working on a 'plan B.' Unfortunately, the B stands for 'bake sale.'"

"Speaking of the debt crisis, I read that if the U.S. debt were stacked in $100 bills, it would be as long as two football fields and as high as the statue of liberty. You know, just in case $14 trillion didn't seem like a lot to you."

"Rumor has it that Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are friends again. There you have it. Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton are now more mature than President Obama and John Boehner." "

Jimmy Kimmel: "They say that the United States might default on its loans and China might foreclose. We'll have to move into a cheap rental country or something."

"President Obama urged the American people to call Congress and demand that both parties work together on a compromise. The calls are 99 cents for the first minute, and a trillion dollars for each additional minute."

"Sarah Palin said that if a deal isn't reached by Aug. 2, nothing will happen. Do you hear that, award-winning economists?"

Conan O'Brien: "The government is less than a week away from not being able to pay its bills. We may have to move in with Canada for a while."

David Letterman: "We are over $14 trillion in debt, but the 'feels like' is $20 trillion."

"Jeb Bush is toying with the idea of running for president. Well, I'm toying with the idea of drinking again."

Jay Leno:

"The number one movie in the country is "Captain America." Analysts say this movie is successful because it takes place in the 40's and has a retro feel. The film takes audiences back to a time where America could actually fight a war and get out of a depression at the same time. Whole different thing from today."

"A record 46 percent of Americans think Congress is 'corrupt.' The other 64 percent think Congress is 'extremely corrupt.'"

"According to a new poll, President Obama is losing support from his own party. To give you an idea how bad it is, today Jimmy Carter compared him to Jimmy Carter."


Government Wants More Of Your Info…

    …from your ISP.  Just say no.

   I am passing along this email to all of my visitors as it is important for you to stand up to the United States government and their continued invasion of your privacy.


"A direct assault on Internet users" is what the ACLU is calling it.

Yesterday a U.S. House committee approved HR 1981, a broad new Internet snooping bill. They want to force Internet service providers to keep track of and retain their customers' information -- including your name, address, phone number, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the American Library Association, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Demand Progress, and 25 other civil liberties and privacy groups have expressed our opposition to this legislation. Will you join us, by emailing your lawmakers today? Just click here:

They've shamelessly dubbed it the "Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act." But our staunchest allies in Congress are calling it what it is -- an all-encompassing Internet snooping bill.

CNet Reports: Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, who led Democratic opposition to the bill said, ""It represents a data bank of every digital act by every American' that would 'let us find out where every single American visited Web sites."

"The bill is mislabeled," said Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the panel. "This is not protecting children from Internet pornography. It's creating a database for everybody in this country for a lot of other purposes."

Please join the Center for Democracy and Technology, the Consumer Federation of America, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Demand Progress, and 25 other civil liberties and privacy groups in opposing this legislation. Just click here:
