Monday, August 01, 2011

Debt Ceiling Bill Part 2

  You and I are being fed a very large bowl of crap from both the White House and those other Democrats who support the deal made with the Teapublicans. They are screwing the American middle class and those who are even suffering more.

Steve Benen @ Alternet| Sourced from 336

: there’s nothing in this deal to promote economic growth and nothing to create jobs. We’re still stuck in the wrong conversation, focusing on a crisis that doesn’t exist, and ignoring the immediate crisis that confronts the nation. Indeed, all available evidence suggests the agreement will make the economy and job losses worse, not better. That Republicans wanted to take a huge step backwards, and Democrats negotiated to make it a more modest step backwards is cold comfort.

Here's what folks are saying about this deal:

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Missouri, Black Caucus Chair): "This deal is a sugar-coated Satan sandwich. If you lift the bun, you will not like what you see."

Paul Krugman, Nobel economist: "The deal a disaster, and not just for President Obama and his party. It will damage an already depressed economy...The worst thing you can do in these circumstances is slash government spending, since that will depress the economy even further."

Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary: "Anyone who characterizes the a victory for the American people over partisanship understands neither economics nor politics. The deal...puts the nation’s most important safety nets and public investments on the chopping block...the largest threat to our democracy is the emergence of a radical right capable of getting most of the ransom it demands."

  If your Representative votes anything other than no on this bill, remember them at election time and then vote NO on their re-election. Enough is enough!

Debt Ceiling Bill Agreement: What You Are Saying


  So the White House and the TeaPotters/Republicans have come to agreement on a debt ceiling bill, which generally amounts to the Republicans getting most of what they wanted because Obama once again has leaned forward and kissed Republican/Corporate ass.

I browsed the Internet this morning for comments on political sites ( Liberal ) and there are not to many happy folks out there.



how about we make some cuts to THIS entitlement program...members of congress have to only serve 1 term in office to gain life long medical care, a nice pension, and unlimited access to Medicare/Medicaid, all on the back of MY tax dollars that apparently cannot provide those same things to ME...THE TAXPAYER. example: even though mr Weiner has been removed from office sending pics of his "package" around the country, he will still collect a million in pension from OUR tax dollars. I suggest cutting all of this entitlement. Especially now that our congressional men and women have unlimited financial resources from big business thanks to the supreme court's ruling removing any restrictions on big business political contributions. This is NOT the america I learned to love as I was growing up. The america I know WOULD NOT sacrifice the well being of all its TAX PAYING VOTING citizens to bow and scrape to the whims of the few, the greedy and self involved.
well done congress NOT!!!

In the end, it would have just been better to raise the debt limit out-of-the-chute. That's ultimately what for a lot a political bull*cr@p in the middle.
Folks....we are screwed - Democrat and Republican alike.

Not weak, but wilfully, catastrophically wrong.

This is cannot be passed off as an innocent misstep or weakness on Obama's part.  No longer.  He's done it time after time:  deceitfully undermined the best interests of ordinary people  He has turned out to be the perfect president for the oligarchy.  One can only assume that was his intent in the first place.

I almost feel sorry for him. History will not judge him kindly;  and the people and forces he's aligned himself with will not be loyal or benevolent friends. They don't know how.      by tovan


I agree, can we primary Obama now?

I don't think Obama can win in the general anymore.  He's betrayed the base.  What's not to love about a Democratic presidential primary?  How about this slogan for Obama's challenger:  "Defend the middle class!"  by rbird



I think it is part intent, but I also think he is an extraordinarily dumb man. He may be book smart, but he has absolutely no common sense.    by btsenffner


Contact Your House Reps. Vote NO!

The WH coward can then use the 14th, as an actual Democrat would have done already. This 100% capitulation does not have to pass. The Senate Septic Tank will pass it. Our only hope are the Dems in the House.  by mcartri