Monday, August 01, 2011

Debt Ceiling Bill Passes: What Do You Think?

  Just as soon as I can get a copy of this bill, I am going to look through it to find the part where our congress-critters have to take a pay cut in order to help balance the budget.

  The bill passed  269-161 in favor of screwing the country. 95 Democrats did the right thing by voting no. The press was reporting that very few congress-critters like this bill but they voted “ yes “ anyway, in both parties. Bad move children. They should have voted no and then they should have let our fearful leader ( Obama ) do the constitutional 14th Amendment ploy.

  Hats of to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz who came to the House in order to cast her vote.

  Other comments from off of the web

andy: some tell me how do ya get out of debt by getting another creditcard

Rich : Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, stuck in the "middle" with you....

Highwayman: Bend over every working American, It is going to hurt.

  You may wish to find your nearest pill mill and stock up on painkillers. In Florida, that will be easy to do.

Michele Bachmann’s Bill Sponsorship & Cosponsor ship

  Bachmann has sponsored 38 bills since  January 4, 2007 and not one of them has made it out of committee nor were any of them enacted. She has also co-sponsored 513 bills with varying results.

Some of Bachmann’s most recently sponsored bills include...
H.R. 1286: Healthcare Fiscal Accountability Act of 2011

H.R. 1285: Military Health Care Affordability Act

H.R. 849: Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act

H.R. 850: To facilitate a proposed project in the Lower St. Croix Wild and Scenic River, and for other purposes.

H.R. 86: End Tax Uncertainty Act of 2011

View All... (including bills from previous years)

  It is worth the look at this woman’s voting record and the fact that the other Reps. in her state also thought that her bills weren’t worth the time of day.