Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Florida Driver License Offices…

   … are a total waste of time of you need a license replacement in the same lifetime that you are now living in.

  Last week, I lost my wallet on the fine public transportation system in the Tampa, Florida metropolis. It was lost on Friday afternoon, so I could do nothing about it until Tuesday as I spent most of Monday at the Social Security office. As luck would have it, the office located closest to me has been closed down. Waste of my time. So, I hope on the bus to go to another location which happened to be closed down also. Between bus tips to these places, the day is over because of closing time at these overworked offices.

  I’m up early Wednesday morning on my way to the driver license office in order to be the near first in line. I make it! Yes! I sit around for only 30 minutes before it is my turn.

  In Florida you have to have a crap-load of info which identifies you as a real citizen of the United States. I have everything that I need since I’ve done this once before. But wait! They now want 2 proofs of residence instead of 1. Shit, back to the house I go, and it is raining.

  I get my other form of proof, go back to the driver license office, only to find out that I now need a marriage certificate. Say what? I’ve been divorced for over 30 years. Something to do with a name change. I replaced my license less than a year ago because I lost it somewhere, and I didn’t need a marriage certificate along with the other shit.

  What the hell’s the problem with this state? Give me a fucking break because you gouge the fuck out of us when we get a license in the first place. You have me on record as having a license for at least 20 years from the state of Florida so you should be able to look me up in your database/records. Are you morons not educated enough to push a few buttons on that keyboard in front of you, or is it that you still haven’t mastered your “ Hooked On Phonics “ system yet? Seven and a half hours of wasted time with you clowns is more than enough.

  Another thing? Is the budget cuts from governor Scott so bad now that you cannot afford to hire a live person to talk to when it is necessary. That automated bullshit is great when you don’t need anything other than basic information, for the rest, it’s bullshit.

  Florida is bullshit. The assholes at Tampa driver license office, one in particular, are incompetent.  FUCK YOU ALL!!!!

Trojan Horse: The Obama Deception

     America, we have been screwed over by President Obama once again! From this point on, I will be calling him either Barack or Mr. Obama with full disrespect intended.

  Original Article

H/T to my old friend TocqueDeville who saw this ruse for what it was long before I did.

I have resisted writing this for a long time. I didn't want to believe it myself. But the fact is, we've been had. Anyone who believed that Barack Obama ever intended to be 'the change President' in a way that would make Democrats proud and our nation a better place has been cruelly betrayed.

”The Republicans, Speaker Boehner or Majority Leader Cantor did not call for Social Security cuts in the budget deal. The President of the United States called for that.”

John Conyers

H/T to my old friend Edger for the Conyers quote and linked video

This shameful attack on entitlements was an underhanded deception from the beginning. Entitlements add to the deficit in much the same way that we invaded Iraq for 9/11 - which Leon Panetta, Obama's Sec/Def, swears is true. These bastards don't even try to tell credible lies anymore. They just make shit up...and take what they want.

In many crucial areas, he has done more to subvert and weaken the left's political agenda than a GOP president could have dreamed of achieving. So potent, so overarching, are tribal loyalties in American politics that partisans will support, or at least tolerate, any and all policies their party's leader endorses - even if those policies are ones they long claimed to loathe. This dynamic has repeatedly emerged in numerous contexts. Obama has continued Bush/Cheney terrorism policies - once viciously denounced by Democrats - of indefinite detention, renditions, secret prisons by proxy, and sweeping secrecy doctrines. He has gone further than his predecessor by waging an unprecedented war on whistleblowers. And now he is devoting all of his presidential power to cutting the entitlement programmes that have been the defining hallmark of the Democratic party since Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.

Glenn Greenwald: Obama Gutting Core Principles of Democratic Party

This latest abomination shows our government for what it is – outright enemies of the American people. More importantly, it shows Obama for who he is, a willing dupe and loyal servant of the rightwing corporate plutocracy. Let's take a look at just a few elements of his legacy so far:

George Bush, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove on national television bragging about torture and their other crimes against humanity. They are carefree. They've been given a Presidential pass. So much for justice or human decency in America.

Renewal of the shameful, destructive and idiotic Bush tax cuts for billionaires.

America occupying Afghanistan for 10 years and counting. Total estimated cost of unnecessary wars = $3 to 4 TRILLION.

American troops hunting Afghans for sport.

US soldier admits killing unarmed Afghans for sport

Jeremy Morlock, 23, tells US military court he was part of a 'kill team' that faked combat situations to murder Afghan civilians

Didn't even try for single-payer. Took it off the table preemptively. Unilaterally.

The Military Industrial Complex continues to bankrupt the nation to pay for their stupid and immoral wars. The only thing Obama has done about this is to step it up. He immediately reappointed Bush's Sec/Def. Bob Gates for crying out loud.

Fabricated bogus rape charges against Julian Assange for the high crime of telling us the damned truth (and don't say the Obama administration had nothing to do with it - you know damned well they did). And tortured Bradley Manning for the same egregious offense.

Continued and unremitting persecution of whistleblowers. Just ask Jesselyn Radack.

The largest corporation in the world, Exxon-Mobil, earned $18 billion in profits and received a $156 million tax REFUND.

Bailed out crooked banksters with sixteen-trillion dollars of OUR money, and then refused to tell us where the money went.

Multimillion dollar Wall Street bonuses paid with taxpayer money after we rescued them from their own incompetence and thievery.

The richest 2% getting $850 billion in tax cuts while the rest of us are losing our jobs, our homes and our hope for the future.

Goldman Sachs paying 1% in taxes on their obscene and ill-gotten profits.

The brutal rape of the poor by the rich hasn't missed a beat.

A Democratic Party distinguishable from the Republican Party only by their rhetoric.

Dismissing Richard Holbrooke's dying words to our nation as a joke.

Holbrooke's Last Words On Afghanistan Clarified As Being Part Of A Humorous Exchange By Obama Administration

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration said Tuesday that the reported last words of veteran diplomat Richard Holbrooke, its point person on Afghanistan and Pakistan who passed away this week, were meant as humor.

Administration officials sought to clarify that, according to people who were present, Holbrooke's final words, "You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan," were part of a jovial back-and-forth with the medical staff.

And now this odious piece of excrement. He gave the Republicans everything they ever wanted and then some on a silver platter. This vicious attack on the American people would never have happened without Obama leading the charge.

”The Republicans, Speaker Boehner or Majority Leader Cantor did not call for Social Security cuts in the budget deal. The President of the United States called for that.”

John Conyers

If Obama were merely incompetent we could say that he's a disappointment. But he's not incompetent and he's not merely a disappointment – he's a willing traitor to the American people. He has betrayed the movement that brought him into office. It's as simple and awful as that.

Hope? Change? We were fools to ever believe it.

So don't call Obama a moderate. Don't call him a centrist. Don't call him a blue dog. Call him what he is...a Republican.