Wednesday, August 03, 2011

American Taliban Jobs Program?

  Why don’t you just find an FAA employee who is not working because the Republicans in the House are playing politics ( hostage taker ) over the short-term funding of a few job categories such as airplane inspection and so forth only because they are once again back into their union busting mode.

    John Boehner and the rest of the congress-critters went on their summer vacation and as a parting gift they left 74,000  workers  ( 4,000 FAA, 70,000  airport construction workers ) on a summer vacation. The difference is that the workers vacation is what is normally called unemployment. We get more of the Republicans jobs program in action.

  At this point, the Democrats are standing


Greg Sargent

The DCCC is now going on the offensive over the issue, blasting out releases in the districts of 50 House Republicans slamming them for going on recess without agreeing to the “clean” temporary reauthorization. “Representative Chip Cravaack called it quits and closed shop in Washington without resolving the FAA shutdown, which has thousands of workers on furlough, safety inspectors working without pay, and millions lost in revenue by the day,” reads the DCCC release sent out in Cravaack’s district.

 It will also deny the government over $1 billion in revenue from ticket taxes, $200 million of which has been lost already. This savings is not being passed on to consumers, however, as airlines immediately increased fares by the same amount as the tax.   WaPo

  Is this just another one of the Republicans ways to cut the deficit and to also give the government a tax break?

   The really sad thing is that Mr. Obama, being the ever resourceful Republican enabler, urged the Senate to pass the House version in order to avoid the shutdown. Senate Leader Harry Reid said no.

What the bills say: The provision Mica added to the short-term bill causing the shutdown would cut funding for the Essential Air Service program, which provides funding to rural airports that otherwise cannot sustain themselves. The long-term reauthorization passed by the House phases out funding completely for EAS. Also in that reauthorization was a provision that would reverse a regulator's ruling that airlines can unionize if an election is held and a majority of ballots favor a union — the same procedure as in most workplaces. Previously, those not voting in airline unionization elections were counted as "no" votes, an unusual practice the House bill sought to restore. The House bill would also allow more long-distance flights to Ronald Reagan National Airport, a provision opposed by Maryland and Virginia representatives who want to protect other airports’ business and avoid higher noise levels for their constituents. The Senate bill does not phase out EAS funding or reverse the union ruling, and increases flights to Reagan by a smaller amount.


Florida Driver License Offices…

   … are a total waste of time of you need a license replacement in the same lifetime that you are now living in.

  Last week, I lost my wallet on the fine public transportation system in the Tampa, Florida metropolis. It was lost on Friday afternoon, so I could do nothing about it until Tuesday as I spent most of Monday at the Social Security office. As luck would have it, the office located closest to me has been closed down. Waste of my time. So, I hope on the bus to go to another location which happened to be closed down also. Between bus tips to these places, the day is over because of closing time at these overworked offices.

  I’m up early Wednesday morning on my way to the driver license office in order to be the near first in line. I make it! Yes! I sit around for only 30 minutes before it is my turn.

  In Florida you have to have a crap-load of info which identifies you as a real citizen of the United States. I have everything that I need since I’ve done this once before. But wait! They now want 2 proofs of residence instead of 1. Shit, back to the house I go, and it is raining.

  I get my other form of proof, go back to the driver license office, only to find out that I now need a marriage certificate. Say what? I’ve been divorced for over 30 years. Something to do with a name change. I replaced my license less than a year ago because I lost it somewhere, and I didn’t need a marriage certificate along with the other shit.

  What the hell’s the problem with this state? Give me a fucking break because you gouge the fuck out of us when we get a license in the first place. You have me on record as having a license for at least 20 years from the state of Florida so you should be able to look me up in your database/records. Are you morons not educated enough to push a few buttons on that keyboard in front of you, or is it that you still haven’t mastered your “ Hooked On Phonics “ system yet? Seven and a half hours of wasted time with you clowns is more than enough.

  Another thing? Is the budget cuts from governor Scott so bad now that you cannot afford to hire a live person to talk to when it is necessary. That automated bullshit is great when you don’t need anything other than basic information, for the rest, it’s bullshit.

  Florida is bullshit. The assholes at Tampa driver license office, one in particular, are incompetent.  FUCK YOU ALL!!!!