Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Teabaggers: F**k You

   The following post contains language that some may find unsuitable. Tea Party asses most certainly will not like it, if they can even read it. The poster and I share the same view concerning the TeaPotters Party.

Harry Reid speaks to the TeaPotters?


By xxdr zombiexx for DFH Local No 420      Original Post

One is supposed to be patient and polite and tolerant of the rights and beliefs and values of others.

I generally try to be and I think I do a pretty good job.

But I have taken offense to some absolute horseshit that has fallen out of the scream-hole of some teabag organizer, shooting his mouth off, not knowing what in the fuck he prattles on about.

And I am not fucking having it.

Check this shit:

At a Wisconsin rally on Saturday, Judson Phillips, CEO of "Tea Party Nation", one of the many tea party splinter groups, claimed that "the left" has "killed a billion people in the last century".
I have adjusted to the fact that MOST teabaggers - I'm not about to refer to you politely you fucking dimwits - are dumber than dogshit but this really just takes the fucking cake.

At least until the next full-of-shit statement

Phillips and other speakers heated up the rhetoric around Tuesday's historic recall elections, with one speaker referring to Democrats as terrorists who struck at a Republican "Ground Zero". Vince Shmuki, leader of another tea party group, the Ozaukee Patriots said, "This is ground zero. You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked."
This is like super-concerntrated stupid. I must break it down.

Democrats as terrorists
Since when do we call a group of people who couldn't make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a timely manner "terrorists"?  This is so laughable and over the top.

Republicans are the terrorists in America. Republicans have destroyed the jobs OBAMA had created with the stimulus.

Republicans systematically have turned doen thousands and thousands of jobs. That fuckhead Eric Cantor cut out thousands of FAA people and went on vacation.

These geniuses BELIEVE that by buttfucking people in their wallets and killing their jobs and their hope that they will - mysteriously - all vote for the GOP.

Dems as terrorists. God that's a fucking laugh.

If they were more like terroists they'd have a media apparatus (like FOX news, for example) and they'd shove that job-killing shit so far up your rich old flabby white asses you'd taste train tracks.

But Dems aren't terrorists. They are lucky to turn on a TV properly.

Ground Zero: We were attacked

Again, if brains were gunpowder you morans couldn't blow your nose.

Aside from the unmitigated stupidity, how offensive is this? Have you really not one shred of decency, you sheep fuckers?

Ground Zero is where an attack takes place. Nobody attacked you, you twits.

AND... it's so grossly offensive to use that "Ground Zero" term because most Americans now associate "Ground Zero" with the 9/11/01 Attacks. NOTHING like that has happened to you from "lefties or liberals". You are un-fucking-hinged.

Teabaggers attacked the Unions, the schools, the government, and a mural. You attacked peoples jobs and incomes. You have DAMAGED the country and you want to call DEMOCRATS terrorists? Fuck off!

AMERICANS got MAD and used the rules to fight back against this brazen horseshit. They organized and they protested and it was fucking BEAUTIFUL!

And it worked: thats why you numbnuts are out whining about Obama this and Democrats that. You are fucking losers and sore ones at that.

You weren't ATTACKED, you freaks. You attacked America with your teabagging ideological  bullshit. You did that.

Not Muslims.

Not Mexicans.

Not illegal brownskinned people.

Not Obama.

Not Democrats.


And now it's payback time and you're whinin'.

Where are you going?

I'm not done with you yet.

Earlier this week, Judson Phillips compared protesters who opposed Governor Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers. On Saturday, he said, "I detest and despise everything the Left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me."
I swear if your asswipes were any stupider you'd simply drop over dead.

Who, exactly, did all that killing?

Lefties didn't start the wars you fucking worship (and that you won't go fight).

Lefties are on their well-financed TV station encouraging near-psychotic losers to shoot up rightwing establishments. Noooooo - that's you all.

S&P didn't directly blame "liberal" or "Democrats" for the credit tating downgrade - the focused on the GOP, which means TEABAGGERS, since the GOP bends over backwards to kiss your delusional asses.

But YOU want to pretend to be The Victim????

Educated people have a word for this crap : disingenuous.

Dis - N - Gin- You-us

1. Not straightforward or candid; insincere or calculating: "an ambitious, disingenuous, philistine, and hypocritical operator, who ... exemplified ... the most disagreeable traits of his time" (David Cannadine).

2. Pretending to be unaware or unsophisticated; faux-naïf.

As far as the second definition, I and many of my fellow liberals in the Vast Leftwing Conspiracy wonder if you all are pretending to be so abjectly moronic, or if this is just an act.

I think it's not an act:


I think you all are stupider than a bag of hammers and it's not an act.

I have seen your tour bus with "SETPEMBER" written on it and later corrected. You had the money - courtesy of the Koch Brothers - to paint that expensive bus but you couldn't spell correctly! Hysterical.

You all are FAMOUS for your ignorantly misspelled protest signs.

And you have no clue what you all are really talking about.

Mostly that's because your "ideology' such as it is is a cobbled-up mess of rightwing talking points from the last 40 years. Talk radio, Rush Limbaugh libertarian, anti-government shizzle is all it is. And you dummies act on it like it's real.

You all believe this shit SO much you were willing to fuck the entire country by killing  our credit rating. Even al Queda didn't attempt anything like that.

Next time ANY of you UnAmerican assholes want to harp on about 'terrorists who hate America", go look in a  goddamned mirror, you fucking treasonous pigs.

God, you suck.

Also republished by Three Star Kossacks.

Voting Day In Wisconsin

   Today  is the day that the recall elections take place in Wisconsin in a move to replace 6 of the Koch brothers purchased Republican politicians, with an eye toward recalling Taliban governor Scott Walker, enemy of the middle-class worker.

   Get out and vote Wisconsin and show some love for your teachers, and all of the other public workers in the state.