Friday, August 12, 2011

Mitt Romney’s Tax Increases/Massachusetts Credit Rating


Gov. Mitt Romney lobbied the credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s in 2004 to raise his state’s credit rating in part because Massachusetts had raised taxes during an economic downturn two years earlier.

The claim was part of a presentation to the ratings agency obtained by POLITICO under a state freedom of information law from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Administration and Finance.

  It was just recently that Romney ( weird guy ) stated that President Obama should meet with the S&P.

"The president really ought to personally sit down and meet with S&P. I did that when I was governor; I met with the ratings agencies and talked about our future and tried to instill confidence in our future because, look, how they rate our debt and how they rate our future as a nation will affect the interest costs that we end up paying and will affect homeowners and borrowers all over the country,"

    One more little tidbit.

“When you’re talking to ratings agencies, you are trying to emphasize your fiscal strengths irrespective of what might be your long-term policy,” said Kriss, who said Romney had been “vehemently opposed” to the tax increases despite their role in balancing the budget.

  Go and read the entire story here as it is an interesting article.

   Tax increases and spending cutbacks work for a state, but they wouldn’t do the same for the entire United State? Bullshit.

That Iowa Republican Debate…

…had some interesting moments, to say the least.

   It was GOP verbal wrestling in some spots between Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty,and then Newt Gingrich went off slightly on host Chris Wallace because Wallace asked him about the state of his campaign after the resignations of all of his staffers. Gingrich did not care for the question.

"I took seriously Bret's injuction to put aside the talking points," Gingrich began, referring to a request from Fox New moderator Brett Baier at the beginning of the debate that the candidates not waste time with canned answers. "And I wish you would put aside the 'gotcha' questions."

Wallace sat, silent and smirking.

"I'd love to see the rest of tonight's debate asking us about what we would do to lead an America that has a president that has failed to lead instead of playing Mickey Mouse games," he said."I think that there's too much attention paid by the press corps about the campaign minutiae and not enough paid by the press corps to the basic ideas that distinguish us from Barack Obama."  Source

  Poor old Newt.

  For whatever reason, Fox News video never embeds on this site, so the best that I can do is to provide the links for you.

Pawlenty vs. Bachmann

Gingrich vs. The Media

Rick Santorum vs. The Tenth Amendment