…. has been up to her usual right-wing propaganda, only as of late it has been the usual attack on the Occupy Wall Street protesters. So what’s new, right?
While browsing the Internet early on Monday morning, I came across a website which had a featured article submitted by Malkin in which she was blasting the “ protesters “ over the cost to the New York taxpayers for the cleanup of Zuccotti Park.
According to Michelle, the NYC government officials estimate the cost of the one month visit to the park to be in the area of $3.2 million in overtime to the police. She also makes it a habit to refer to the “ protesters “ as “ aimless occupiers.”
Later on down the line, Malkin makes a comparison between the “ protesters “ and her favorite wing-nut group, the frauds of the Tea Party, making the claim that at least the Tea Baggers had filed for all of the permits required to be in the areas in which they held their meetings, and that the Tea Baggers paid for their own power.
First off, Michelle, the Tea Baggers may have paid for their power usage, but do we really consider that as a big deal. Paying a power bill is fairly easy when your Tea Party is created and financed by folks such as the Koch brothers and their subsidiary groups. That would be right-wing groups like the fine politicians, lobbyist , and CEO’s who make up membership in American Legislative Exchange Council ( ALEC ). Remember them? The ones who wish to take away all worker rights, benefits, and pay if they can make an extra dollar from doing so? You know, that top 1% that the “ protesters “ are meeting about?
Michelle Malkin on the protesters:
Their T-shirts and speeches glorify Marxist radicals Che Guevara, Emiliano Zapata and Chairman Mao. They lionize convicted death row cop killer Troy Davis and WikiLeaks collaborator Bradley Manning. They condemn "Nazi Bankers," Jews, Fox News, the American Legislative Exchange Council, Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker, the Koch family and the New York Police Department ("Pigs!"). They promote the illegal alien DREAM Act and 9/11 Trutherism.
They spout bumper-sticker profanities and inanities: "F**k banks." "Unf**k the world." "Fuuuuu*k." "Free education." "Smash nationalism." "People not profits."
They flash peace signs while celebrity supporter Roseanne Barr calls for beheading financial industry workers and fellow marchers call explicitly for "violent revolution" or for Obama to "Send SEAL Team 6" to Wall Street.
Then they huff and puff (preferably in a creepy uniform chant they call the "human microphone") that we just haven't taken the time to understand what they're all about -- as they hawk $20 "Eat the Rich" polo shirts and license their protest photos to Getty Images.
Viva la revolucion! Up with people! Stop the greed! (Cha-ching. Cha-ching.)
I spent 3 days at Occupy Wall Street and not once did I hear anyone complaining about the Jews, and the only complaints concerning the NYPD were over their illegal tactics in trying to control the protesters. You remember the pepper spray incidents? Now, there may have been a few rowdy people who got carried away with their rhetoric, but those were the few. As for Fox News,Koch brothers, and Scott Walker, they picked the right people/groups to raise hell about.
#OWS is selling t-shirts to help pay for the Wall Street visit. So what? At least the group has found ways to support their visit to the titans of fraud and corruption, which you cannot say about Michelle’s beloved Tea Party. #OWS solicits donations of cash and goods on Twitter? They are getting the things which they need by the truck load, so it would seem that they have plenty of support from around the country.
I’d like to see the Tea Party groups try that tactic without the help of the Koch hoods, and the criminal corporations who pay their bills. The out-come would not be close. The Tea Party would be less than nothing within a week.
Michelle Malkin, maybe you should try visiting the protesters for a few days at least, in order to get your story straight, if they can stand the smell of you for that long.
The fact that you posted your article on Glenn Beck’s website ( The Blaze ) tells all that you prefer to live in the universe of the factually challenged right-wingnut commune.