Friday, February 17, 2012

Mitt Romney and the GOP: “ Where Nonsense Becomes Truth “

By Tom Schimmeck
Translated By Ron Argentati  for
13 February 2012

Edited by Louis Standish          Original ( In German )

The Republican primaries are proving that many Americans live in a bizarre world. A cultural war threatens.
They're calling Mitt Romney a “moderate” again. He's middle of the road — a centrist. If the rest are all zombies, then Dracula wins the beauty contest.
The battle to become the Republican presidential nominee has raged for months. That's a convincing argument, first of all, for the fact that the Republican Party has degenerated into a pack of raving fundamentalists, and secondly, it signals a severe decline in the level of discourse. The first point is no issue at all; for them, loony has been normal for ages. This is a group that has become increasingly excitable and thus increasingly dimwitted. It's not just the poisonous darts from talk radio hosts, not just Rupert Murdoch's notoriously hyperventilating Fox News moderators that are dragging the level of American politics ever lower. It looks like all the various arch- and neoconservative, libertarian, evangelical and chauvinistic elements in the United States are coalescing into a new cosmos of extremists.
The cultural warriors of conservatism see the world thus: Health insurance for everyone is socialism. The right to have an abortion is mass murder. Environmental protection is dictatorship. Climate change is all a lie. But of course the military is sacrosanct and the right to private weapons ownership is inviolable. The rowdies on the right indulge their political furor, slavering every few days over a new liberal issue. They gnaw at it as if it were a juicy bone. They still believe they're fighting against some liberal mainstream and never realize that they themselves are the new mainstream. They're always at their enemy's throat; they're on an eternal holy crusade.
Those identifying with the tea party movement have truly proven to be the most useful idiots. They helped divert the anger against Wall Street onto the Washington political establishment, onto politics in general. Government sucks. Politics is crap. They find their own government repugnant — the “federal government” (pronounced as if they were spitting out a piece of gristle). Such rhetoric is mortally dangerous; it causes democracy to self-destruct.
Think that's too extreme? Just listen to Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul. Evolution? What the hell is that? Ah, you mean God! Financial crisis? That wasn't caused by greed on the part of bankers, it was due to over-regulation by the government. They wallow in a torrent of nonsense, in a fiery, hyper-patriotic, ultra-bizarre idiocy. They trot out theories and “facts” that Josef Joffe buries in clauses and the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper would reject; stuff even the tabloid Bild newspaper wouldn't dare print. German Christian Democrats in favor of a social safety net would be called communists in their United States. The entire spectrum there is skewed to the right. It's a nation of people who dwell in a completely different reality. And they rant and they rave.
Can it be that reality is just whatever insanity happens to be most socially popular at any given moment? That may sound a bit too cynical but we're talking about a nation that is the cradle of democracy, the world's leading capitalist country and the nation that also accounts for a major portion of the popular culture the rest of the world consumes.
Multimillionaire Willard Mitt Romney acts as if he hates politics. He constantly reminds us that he has never worked a single day inside the Beltway. But he wants to allow gays to hang on to a few rights enjoyed by straights — already treason to many Republican zealots. And he's not entirely against the minimum wage — enough to get a radio agitator like Rush Limbaugh screeching. Romney has even pointed out that “Islam is not an inherently violent faith.”
That REALLY set them off ...


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans; Douchebags At Large

Senate Republicans push to let any employer deny coverage for any health service on 'moral' grounds

 By   Laura Clawson      Sun Feb 12, 2012              Original

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is putting his weight behind Sen. Roy Blunt's amendment to the Affordable Care Act that would allow employers to deny coverage not just for contraception but for any treatment or any condition they claimed was contrary to their religious beliefs.


Scumbag Republican McConnell

While coverage of the bill will likely center around contraception, that's not the Republicans' only target:

“The fact that the White House thinks this is about contraception is the whole problem. This is about freedom of religion, it’s right there in the First Amendment. You can’t miss it — right there in the very first amendment to our Constitution,” McConnell said. “What the overall view on the issue of contraception is has nothing to do with an issue about religious freedom.”

That's the religious freedom to deny coverage for birth control, of course. But it's also the religious freedom to deny coverage for cervical cancer, because it's caused by HPV, which is transmitted sexually. It's the religious freedom to deny coverage for treatment for alcoholism or any health issue associated with drinking. It's the religious freedom for any employer, not just religiously affiliated ones, to be legally allowed to come up with any excuse to exclude any kind of care from the health coverage they provide their employees, as long as they say it's a religious or moral reason.

Even as they claim it's about something bigger than contraception, you can bet Republicans will keep the focus squarely on that—they want the public debate to be contraception (associated with sex and women's health, and therefore ... icky) against religious freedom (a noble abstract idea and essential constitutional principle). But they're going for something much bigger. They're simultaneously looking to eviscerate the Affordable Care Act, turn over governance to churches—in fact, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is sponsoring a bill similar to Blunt's because of something he heard in church—and give employers yet another way to shaft their workers.

Mitch McConnell is right. This fight is bigger than contraception. It always has been, because women's health isn't just a minor issue. But now, thanks to Republicans, it's a fight about any kind of health care you might name, and about workers at any business. Because women aren't a big enough target anymore; they're going after everyone now.