The following was originaly posted to the political section on Craigslist. I thought it would be interesting for my readers as these kind of incidents are not all that rare. Plus, I hope that it will make you think. Look forward to more from this individual at this site who shall be called:
By Alecto Bell
Humpty Dumpty Votes!
Because I am an incest survivor, I've had complications with my health my entire life. I was never able to purchase health insurance that covered my 'endocrine system,' and, except for Planned Parenthood, I rarely saw doctors or utilized any medical procedures, because just getting a 15 minute visit with a specialist cost me nearly 4 days pay.
This lack of financial stability was the main reason for my first and only abortion when I was 19. The Father didn't believe in purchasing even auto insurance and did not want to spend extra time or money raising a child. I knew I would have to work full time and support a child and decided I could not do that.
I watched my own Mother, who raised me, for the most part, go without financial, emotional or physical assistance from my Father, (which was probably just as well as he was raping me--a fact that is costing my entire life to come to terms with)
I saw my Mom turned down for jobs and housing because she was a 'single Mom.' We lived in our car, sleeping at rest stops and eating sandwiches.
When my Mom finally landed a job a State office, we were able to settle down and rent a house.
Without the help of the State and Federal government, we would've struggled a great deal more (we were not on public assistance for long--it was all short term as my Mom was quite serious about finding work--without a job, we couldn't afforded the rent for our house.)
Having a stable home helped me focus on school and making friends, but it was also a time to see how much sexual predation still existed around me and how tolerant other family members were towards my sexual exploitation. Also, I had to face the fact that my Mother was emotionally unstable and prone to violent outbursts (from the stress, no doubt, of having to support three kids on her own.)
After my Sister's brother molested me, and I was blamed for not waking up more quickly (I woke up with his hands on me and froze for a moment, terrified: I remember the sense of paralysis still and it pinned me to the many times I woke up with my Father's hands--and worse--on me.)
Now, I know to fight, but to be honest, if a woman immediately fights in each and every one of these situations, she will increase her chances of being killed. Do some research--this is fact. The GOP Platform on this issue means you will have to remain alert AT ALL TIMES and fight to the death for the right to an abortion if your rapist impregnates you. Otherwise, you must have 'asked for it.' (I guess date rape drugs--and being totally unconscious--doesn't count as 'forcible rape.' Being unconscious is some sort of consent...holy cow. I can't believe Paul Ryan actually wrote such a concept into law--this means, ladies, that YOU MUST REMAIN CONSCIOUS AT ALL TIMES BECAUSE IF YOU FALL ASLEEP AND GET RAPED, AND PREGNANT, HIS LAW WOULD MAKE YOU CARRY YOUR RAPISTS CHILD TO TERM.)
So, don't fall asleep...EVER. (Women with fibromyalgia suffer from sleep disorders and are often incest survivors--all six of the women I've know in life with fibromyalgia were also incest survivors preyed upon at night while their moms were sleeping.)
And children don't stand a chance if they are groomed sexually before they are talking, you have done serious damage to their minds (which is why there are SO MANY MEN WHO DO THIS TO THEIR DAUGHTERS, GRANDDAUGHTERS, ETC..) Our culture is a sad legacy of sexual violence against its own children and yet, it appears, that the few gains women have made in the USA, the one shot we have at equality--control over our own bodies--is going to be sacrificed on the altar of 'idealism' put forth by people who don't even know what REALLY happens when the women around them are raped.
And what about the pandemic of human slavery, namely, the rape of girls and women--it's happening right on your street, somehow, someway, here in the USA.
Here's a question for the GOP: will rape survivors and sexual slaves EVER get health coverage, because I know I never could.
The first emergency room I visited was as an adult in Asia: total cost 20 dollars, cab fare included.
And the care (a specialist in less than twenty minutes appeared and talked with me in her lovely office for half an hour, before writing my prescription; and the facility's were gorgeously modern and had cups of green tea set out for guests (I thought they were urine samples at first!--no, I didn't drink one to find this out!!!)
For me, the USA is the place I was raped by my Father then disqualified for life from medical coverage.
It's a nation where the poor elderly languish in nursing homes with underpaid and overworked staff, or those who do work hard to keep them home, make an average of 4 dollars an hour without the right to emergency relief or more than one day off a month.
It's not a good place to be vulnerable, basically, because if you are poor, disabled, and female and you live in a state nursing home and get raped while you're in a coma, under the Paul Ryan Personhood amendment, you will be forced to bear that child to term.
Who's going to care for these kids? Who?
Did you know a recent survey showed (fact check this, you'll see it's true) that the richest people in the country give the LEAST to charity and working class families give the most.
I've already worked for millionaires using 'welfare' to care for their parents while they jet set around the world and pop in for visits when it's convenient to ignore all the serious issues facing this elderly disabled woman and those trying to care for her. It took me five years to get a bag of washcloths from these people with combined assets in the millions of dollars--I no longer ask. I realize these people profit from not seeing what is really going on and what needs to be done.
But what happens when people like me step off? Who cares for our vulnerable then? When I finally sicken of the low pay and constant 'charity' that has kept me impoverished in time and resources, what will happen to those I care for who have even less?
They will dropped into Hell. That's the truth of it.
Wake up America, before you get dropped there.
And if you vote for Romney, I suggest you tour the poorest nursing home in your town and not just once, but enough to know what's really going on there, and imagine what you're going to do when you're elderly and have nothing but a 'voucher' (worth 6,000 dollars, I think--for the rest of your elderly life?) to purchase health care when the cheapest nursing homes can average 5,000 dollars A MONTH.
Ask about that at the GOP. How's that gonna work.
And who's going to care for all the disabled, addicted babies born to girls kidnapped, drugged and gang raped who will be forced to bear children to our culture's most violent men--will these women, and their children, receive all the care they would deserve?
There's no way you can pay enough to make up for that nightmare--not enough money in the world.