While president Bush was visiting Guatemala this week he was met with protesters who did not like the immigration raid at a leather goods factory in Massachusetts on March 6th. 361 people were arrested in the raid and most were here in the United States illegally, coming from Guatemala and El Salvador.
You will remember that the press here in the states made a deal about families being broken up and children left in daycare and what have you. It also was a big deal down in Guatemala because 10% of the Guatemalan population lives in the United States and most of them are illegal immigrants. I'm not using the politically correct " undocumented workers " bullshit because they are " illegal immigrants ".
Even John Kerry had something to say about the raid and he even called for an investigation of it. What are they supposed to investigate? The fact that the immigration people did their jobs?
Senator Kennedy put in his own two cents worth also, saying "...These men and women had not harmed anyone. They were victims of exploitation, forced to work under barbaric conditions by an employer who knew that they could not afford to complain. Their children, many of whom are United States citizens, had done nothing wrong at all. None of them had any reason to expect that the Department of Homeland Security would decide to make an example out of them." Source
Number one, illegal aliens. What part of that does anyone not understand? For those of you who are to stupid to figure that part out, it means that you are in the United States without the correct papers and cards giving you the right to be in the states. One is breaking the law by being here! The only reason that the children are United States citizens is because mommy and daddy thought that if they have a child then they would have a leg-up on being allowed to stay in this country.
Number two. Homeland Security did as they are required to do under the laws that were put into place before and since this agency was created.
There is alot more to this story which you can read here.