"If the president believes there's still a need to have our National Guard in Iraq to stabilize that country or whatever, it's his job to go back to Congress and ask for that authorization," Fisher added. "The president doesn't have the authority to permanently federalize our Guards." Vermont State Representative Michael Fisher (D-Lincoln) speaking to OneWorld.
This past Wednesday, Vermont State legislators went ahead and introduced some legislation that pretty much demands that their National Guard troops be brought back from Iraq. Minnesota, , Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire lawmakers are thinking of doing the same thing, according to OneWorld writer
All of the states which have troops in Iraq should take the same measures as Vermont is to get our people back home to the U.S. I seriously doubt that President Bush has any legal authority to use members of the National Guard, whose sole purpose is to help with major disasters in our own country, not in the Middle East or elsewhere. Of course, things such as the laws have never stopped this moron in the past and I doubt if such things will at this time.
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