Saturday, May 21, 2011

Anyone get Raptured?

  If you are reading this, then you are still here among the living. I am typing this, so I guess that I am also still living.

  If we had the rapture, then I have to give it a 2 on a scale of 0-10, because it wasn’t close to as exciting as it had been advertised. I want my money back. Also, I purchased a pair of angel wings, just in case, which I now have no use for. Of course, they came with a no-return policy. I was also hoping that I would not have to pay the power bill and the cable bill this coming week. No such luck there!

  Damned! No I’m depressed. Guess I’ll have a few beers and sulk a bit while making plans to do battle once again against the evil Republicans and their satanic ways.

The Rapture Begins

  I was just wondering. How long do I have to wait before it is official that I am not one of the chosen ones? How will I/you know anyway? What if the boss is gone on Monday when you get to work? Do you still get paid to do nothing, and who will be paying you if payroll is no longer around?