Saturday, April 14, 2012

Romney Vows Continued War On Women’s Birth Control Rights

    Have you noticed over the past few decades how even the Harvard educated Republicans seems to be ignorant and stupid? You haven’t noticed? Then you have not been paying attention to Mitt Romney

Brilliant! Mitt Romney revives Republican war on birth control

by Jed Lewison          Fri Apr 13, 2012

Presenting the encore to Mitt Romney's #fauxtrage at @hilaryr:

In a speech to the National Rifle Association Friday, likely GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney waded back into the contraception wars, attacking President Obama’s health care provision requiring employers, including religiously affiliated groups, to provide contraceptive coverage to female employees — a requirement Romney vowed to repeal.
Romney's anti-birth control pledge:
As President, I will follow a very different path than President Obama. I will be a staunch defender of religious freedom. The Obamacare regulation is not a threat and insult to only one religious group - it is a threat and insult to every religious group. As President, I will abolish it.
Apparently, going after birth control coverage is the fourth prong of Mitt Romney's three-prong strategy to win back the ladies. And I can't think of a better way for him to prove that we were right when we said there is a war on women.

Mitt vaguely calls it the "Obamacare regulation," but let's be clear: the regulation does not require religious institutions to provide birth control to their employees. What it says is that birth control is a preventive medicine and like every other preventive medicine it must be covered without copay by every insurance plan in the country except for churches.

If Mitt Romney abolished it, he wouldn't be expanding freedom for a damn soul—but he would be taking away access to birth control coverage for millions of women.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Saturday Satire: Mitt Romney And Rick Santorum

Jimmy Fallon:  "After dropping out of the GOP race, Rick Santorum emailed his supporters to ask for help paying off his campaign debt. So if you believe in his message of responsible spending and no handouts, just give him a handout to cover all his irresponsible spending."

"Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced that he is supporting Mitt Romney for president. Jindal said he couldn’t think of a better way to show his support than waiting until Romney was the only guy left."

"Over the weekend, Mitt Romney was actually spotted body-boarding in California. Romney would've gone surfing, but you know, he hates standing for something."

Jay Leno: "President Obama's popularity is starting to dwindle among well-known liberals like Matt Damon and Gene Simmons. In fact, you know the number one liberal to turn against President Obama? Mitt Romney."

“Today was the annual White House Easter Egg Roll - or, as the Republicans call it, 'President Obama's Socialist Egg Redistribution Program.'”

Jimmy Kimmel:  "West is a guy that some think should be Mitt Romney's running mate. I would like that. We haven't had a truly crazy vice president . . . well, until now."

David Letterman: "Rick Santorum has dropped out of the race. He wanted to ban gambling and outlaw pornography. And this is a guy who claims Romney is out of touch with America."

"Now that Santorum is out of the race, that leaves Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul out there vying for the crackpot vote."

"Gingrich is $5 million in debt. And he's the guy who was going to fix our economy."

Conan O'Brien: “Newt Gingrich says he still has a chance. He say people walk up to him all the time and beg him to stay in the presidential race. It’s a group of people known as Democrats.”