Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dissenters Are Now In The Axis Of Evil Group

    I'm mot even going to make a comment on this topic because we all know that under the Bushco reign of terror that most of our most sacred constitutional rights have been or are being stripped away from us!

Here is the article from DailyKos

by  georgia10
Sat Nov 18, 2006

Some of us who actually know what the Fourth Amendment says believe that its plain language guarantees us a freedom from unwarranted governmental intrusion. Those of us who don't engage in the intellectual dishonestly employed by the supporters of the domestic program know full well that FISA (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) already establishes a framework for warrantless spying, and that it permits for broad surveillance of suspected terrorists. In view of this already adequate framework for terrorist surveillance, we consider the President's extra-judicial, unchecked, and ineffective spying program to be both an abuse of power and a curtailment of the freedom and privacy afforded to every American under the Constitution.

Apparently, those of us who believe in this definition of freedom are a national security threat.

So sayeth Attorney General Gonzales, who in an address today categorized a large swath of American citizens as a "grave threat" to national security:

Gonzales told about 400 cadets from the Air Force Academy's political science and law classes that some see the program as on the verge of stifling freedom rather that protecting the country.

"But this view is shortsighted," he said. "Its definition of freedom one utterly divorced from civic responsibility is superficial and is itself a grave threat to the liberty and security of the American people."

"Grave threat." It's a heavy phrase, one traditionally reserved only for Iran, post-invasion Iraq, and North Korea.

This demonization of ideas which don't square with the notion of an imperial presidency is a failsafe tactic employed by this administration whenever it happens to find itself on shaky legal and ethical footing--which is to say, it's employed quite often. Criticism of the war was dangerous, as now, the mere idea that the government should be obey the Fourth Amendment is a "grave threat" to national security.


How Far To Go With Ethics Laws

Published: November 19, 2006

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 — After railing for months against Congressional corruption under Republican rule, Democrats on Capitol Hill are divided on how far their proposed ethics overhaul should go. 
     Democratic leaders in the House and the Senate, mindful that voters in the midterm election cited corruption as a major concern, say they are moving quickly to finalize a package of changes for consideration as soon as the new Congress convenes in January.

    Their initial proposals, laid out earlier this year, would prohibit members from accepting meals, gifts or travel from lobbyists, require lobbyists to disclose all contacts with lawmakers and bar former lawmakers-turned-lobbyists from entering the floor of the chambers or Congressional gymnasiums.

    None of the measures would overhaul campaign financing or create an independent ethics watchdog to enforce the rules. Nor would they significantly restrict earmarks, the pet projects lawmakers can anonymously insert into spending bills, which have figured in several recent corruption scandals and attracted criticism from members in both parties. The proposals would require disclosure of the sponsors of some earmarks, but not all.

    Some Democrats say their election is a mandate for more sweeping changes, and many newly elected candidates — citing scandals involving several Republican lawmakers last year — made Congressional ethics a major issue during the campaign. After winning the House on election night, Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Democratic leader, promised “the most honest, most open and most ethical Congress in history.”

    Senator Barack Obama, an Illinois Democrat tapped by party leaders last year to spearhead ethics proposals, said he was pushing for changes with more teeth. “The dynamic is different now,” Mr. Obama said Friday. “We control both chambers now, so it is difficult for us to have an excuse for not doing anything.”

    He is pushing to create an independent Congressional ethics commission and advocates broader campaign finances changes as well. “We need to make sure that those of us who are elected are not dependent on a narrow spectrum of individuals to finance our campaigns,” he said.      THE STORY IS HERE