Saturday, November 25, 2006

Say You're Sorry and Pay Us!

    Two of the men that actor Michael Richards went off on at the  Laugh Factory now want Mr. Richards to apologize in person and they may also want some money! Give it a fucking rest already! The man said he was sorry more than once. Maybe he should say it to the two men's faces, but pay them also? I guess that these two punks got found by some shithead lawyer who wants to make a few dollars! No surprise there!

 Here's the story from Yahoo News


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The Wiretapping Issue

    In between the election and the carnage in Iraq and the other top news stories in the past few months, we have forgotten all about the illegal wiretapping issue that is slowly winding its way through the courts.

   Thus far, the program has continued unabated. AHHH, but the Dems are taking over soon. Will things change any?


Despite a Year of Ire and Angst, Little Has Changed on Wiretaps

Published: November 25, 2006

WASHINGTON, Nov. 24 — When President Bush went on national television one Saturday morning last December to acknowledge the existence of a secret wiretapping program outside the courts, the fallout was fierce and immediate.

Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania and head of the Judiciary Committee, said his party missed its chance on wiretapping.

Mr. Bush’s opponents accused him of breaking the law, with a few even calling for his impeachment. His backers demanded that he be given express legal authority to do what he had done. Law professors talked, civil rights groups sued and a federal judge in Detroit declared the wiretapping program unconstitutional.

      More HERE