Saturday, December 02, 2006

New Chairman Opposed The Iraq War

 Representative Silvestre Reyes, a Texas congressman, will be the next chairman of the House intelligence Committee.

    This should be pretty interesting for Bushco as Rep. Reyes opposed the Iraq war. This is one posting that Nancy Pelosi has done right thus far.

   From NYTimes :

But Mrs. Pelosi chose part because he has repeatedly taken a more combative stance toward Bush administration policies like the invasion of Iraq, military tribunals for terrorist suspects, and the National Security Agency’s domestic surveillance program. MORE


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Friday, December 01, 2006

GOP on Nancy Pelosi..

   This is my last post for Friday, Dec. 1st!

    I keep saying that to myself but it never works out that way! It is our last warm evening here in North Carolina so I am going out to enjoy it for awhile. Everyone have a great night and be safe. You can't read me if you're dead! I'm kidding. Take care everyone.

    From The Carpetbagger Report

December 01, 2006

‘We’ll take her head off every day’

    I’ve long believed that both of the major parties have relative strengths, but the last several years have put both sides in roles for which they were poorly suited. Republicans are in their element, for example, when they’re in the minority, railing against the majority, and complaining about government. Putting the GOP in the majority was an uncomfortable fit — they’re not about governing; they’re about complaining about government.

    Likewise, Dems are lousy political bomb-throwers. They want to work on policy matters, hold hearings, pass bills … you know, govern. Put them in the minority and they’re lost. In this sense, the 2006 elections simply put things right.

    And now that the GOP has lost its power, Republicans are ready to show Dems a thing or two about how to be a merciless minority party.

Looks like the Republicans in the House aren’t planning to play nice-nice with the Democrats after all. The emerging House Republican plan on how to address the new Democratic majority is turning toward an aggressive effort to portray Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi and her team as out of touch and liberal.

“Come January, we’ll take her head off every day,” said a top GOP aide involved in the planning. “It will be a pure war of ideas over the next two years.” […]

“We are going to re-establish that we are the party of ideas, that they got elected in a fluke, and we’re going to make that known every day, every way,” said the official.

And when Republicans pledge to take Pelosi’s “head off every day,” I’m sure they mean that in a strictly policy-oriented way, right?

Meet the new congressional GOP, slightly uglier than the old congressional GOP….


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