Saturday, February 03, 2007

Gas-Price Conspiracy? You Bet!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Listen to this commentary

Commentator and consumer advocate Jamie Court says there IS evidence that oil companies intentionally influence gas-price fluctuations.

JAMIE COURT: Say you're an oil executive and you want to keep the Republicans in control of Congress. What can you do prior to an election?
Well, you can keep your refineries running at full speed, flood the market with extra fuel, and take less per gallon in profit than usual.
And guess what: Department of Energy data suggest that's exactly what the oil companies did this fall. More TEXT

Jamie Court is the president of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights.

   So what's new? We all know that the big three oil companies have been fucking us all for years,but, this story has some good points in it that you do not want to miss. READ IT!


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Rush Limbaugh on Global Warming

    Rush Limbaugh, the ever so intelligent idiot behind the microphone on radio stations everywhere, stuck in his two cents worth on the global warming issue.

   He dished out the usual GOP bullshit line that the warming is non-existent and that science is pretty much lying to everyone.

   The funniest part was his comments about a pic that was taken of polar bears stranded on a piece of ice which had broken off of the bigger piece.

     Entire Text and Audio

RUSH: This whole thing is totally misleading. They're not even stranded on an ice floe that's broken apart. They're just out there just playing around. They're just out there. You know, just like your cat goes to its litter box. When's the last time your cat got stranded in its litter box?

When you look at the headline, and the accompanying story ought to inform everybody of the utter desperation and phoniness of the entire global warming effort.

    Poor old Rush must be out of pills. Did you know that withdrawal will make you say stupid things?


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