Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bush Appeals To NATO For More Troops In Afghanistan

"When our commanders on the ground say to our respective countries `We need additional help,' our NATO countries must provide it.As well, allies must lift restrictions on the forces they do provide so NATO commanders have the flexibility they need to defeat the enemy wherever the enemy may make its stand."    George Bush   AP

   Since when has this dumb ass become concerned about Afghanistan? If this idiot had let our troops do their jobs in Afghanistan in the first place, we wouldn't have the fighting going on that we are now seeing with the re-surgency of the Taliban.

   If George Bush has added a few more troops to the group that we already had in in the country instead of deciding to send the most of them to Iraq, we would have no problem in Afghanistan and more than likely the U.S. would have had Bin Laden in custody ,if not dead.

"The alliance was founded on this principle: an attack on one is an attack on all. That principle holds true whether the attack is on the home soil of a NATO nation or on allied forces deployed on a NATO mission abroad," he said. "By standing together in Afghanistan, NATO forces protect their own people."

   The Pentagon is sending some 3,000 of our troops to Afghanistan that were due to go to Iraq, putting our number at 27,000.

                    IMPEACH! INDICT! IMPRISON!


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Will The Freedom Of Information Act Get A Boost In The Arm?

    The Democrats are now seeking ways to put some bite into our open government laws so that the Bush Crime Family can be forced to release more records which are requested under the Freedom Of Information Act.

   No matter what kind of bill is introduced to get the information out to the public or to whoever, it ain't going to work as long as the Bush Crime Family is in the White House. The only way that info is going to be forth coming is by marching into the White house, clubbing the inhabitants over their heads and then just taking the records.

Rep. Lacy Clay, D-Mo., said legislation he is considering would be broader than an open government bill last year which sought to reduce the number of disputed FOIA requests and improve reporting requirements to Congress. The legislation never reached a vote in the House or Senate

Clay said the old bill will be the starting point for a new one that will take direct aim at the administration's practice of using the threat of terrorism to withhold "nonsensitive information."

"I am deeply concerned that this administration appears to be shielding information that ought to be accessible to the public," said Clay, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's subcommittee on information policy.


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