Friday, June 27, 2008

Clinton And Obama Unite In Unity

  Everyone has already covered this story so I'm not adding to much to it. I will say that Hillary Clinton did have at least one good quote in her part of the speech, which was this when referring to John McCain and George Bush:

  "In the end, they're two sides of the same coin, and it doesn't amount to a whole lot of change."

  She also asked all of those who supported her during the primary to now support Obama and to vote for him in November. Obama thanked her for that.

   Now maybe the Democratic Party will become one behind candidate Obama and we can kick the Republican's and John McCain's ass at election time. It's time to clean house people!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Barack Obama: Telecom Amnesty Not Important Issue

  A quote from Mr. Obama:

   "The bill has changed. So I don't think the security threats have changed, I think the security threats are similar. My view on FISA has always been that the issue of the phone companies per se is not one that overrides the security interests of the American people."

  I guess that it isn't enough that the FISA Bill does more than enough to help protect America because now even our Democratic Presidential contender has no problem with the phone companies spying on you and I for the government.

   Obama once said that he'd support a filibuster of the bill if it came to that and he also said, " I strongly oppose retroactive immunity in the FISA bill."

   Maybe someone in the Senate needs to filibuster the FISA Bill and then we can all see if Obama keeps his word. Without his word being good, Senator Obama is just another politician!