Monday, August 25, 2008

Media Democratic Convention Coverage...

  sucks as we already know. It has been pretty funny watching Fox News, CNN and the rest of the corporate whores try to make controversy at the convention when there is none.  Nothing but typical Republican, gutter-crawling at its finest.

   But wait! There is a cure!


Barack Obama Calls For Media Boycott

  This is what we all need to do! Join in this boycott of the right-wing media networks who insist on the distortion of facts and in airing un-founded SwiftBoat bullshit ads against Obama and the Democrats in general.


In fact, he's asking us to do something unprecedented in Presidential elections--to target (read:  boycott) media that runs the 'William Ayers' attack ad.   We knew that the swiftboat attacks were inevitable but now we know damn well that we can help Barack defend himself as we should.  All we have to do is turn off the TV.

Make no mistake about it-the primary objective of Republican strategists is to portray Senator Barack Obama as a threat to our national security.  Ever since the convention started, the cable networks have been scouring the streets in search of hostile protesters that could be linked to Obama in a way that undermines his peaceful grassroots movement for change. 

The recent William Ayers ad plays on the theme of Obama-is-the-enemy and highlights the Republican platform in 2008.  Some Republican Billionaire and accomplice of the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth paid for the Ayers ad

Fortunately for us, the Obama campaign is making good on its promise to prevent McSame's efforts to extend the reign of Bush through the same old lies and tricks.

From Politico:  Obama’s campaign has written the Department of Justice demanding a criminal investigation of the “American Issues Project,”

Furthermore, the Obama camp has also written 2 letters to news networks

Here is the key of the whole article from Politicoand the essence of the message from our most excellent Presidential nominee:

"The Obama campaign plans to punish the stations that air the ad financially, an Obama aide said, organizing his supporters to target the stations that air it and their advertisers."

So far we have 93,000 emails from people like you and me supporting this target (read: boycott). 


Note:  CNN and Fox News would not comment on their willing participation in this unpatriotic, dangerous and possibly illegal attack on Obama.

  Don't take any shit from the Republican lie machine!