Friday, September 26, 2008

The First Presidential Debate: So Who Won?

  The ups or downs in the polling numbers won't show up for a few days, so don't expect to much, if any, change in Saturdays polling.

  However, CBS News did a poll of undecided voters and this is what they came up with.

40% of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought Barack Obama was the winner. 22% thought John McCain won. 38% saw it as a draw. 

68% of these voters think Obama would make the right decision
about the economy.  41% think McCain would.

49% of these voters think Obama would make the right decisions about Iraq.  55% think McCain would.

   It was a very interesting debate so far as those things go. I was really surprised that McCain was on the ball, so far as that goes. Obama did let McCain get away with a few things such as his statement that he always has supported our Vets. we all know better than that based on his voting record with Vet issues and funding.

  Obama presented himself well and did have his act together. I say tie game, which is not a good thing for McCain.

UPDATE: Wall Street Journal Poll  on the first debate.

Obama 58.3%, McCain 34.4%

Late Night Comedians On McCain And Palin

  John McCain has decided to come to the debate which kicks off in a few hours, but some of the comedians had fun with him before he changed his mind, again.


"As you know, John McCain wants to suspend his debate with Barack Obama until the economic crisis is over. And Sarah Palin wants to suspend her debate with Joe Biden until she can find Europe on a map."
---Jay Leno
"Paris Hilton is our guest tonight, unless she needs to rush to Washington to fix the economy. ... John McCain wants the presidential debate postponed until after the bailout. Sarah Palin wants the vice presidential debate postponed until after the election."
---David Letterman
"Sarah Palin is in New York City this week. Her family took the ferry to the Statue of Liberty. When she saw the ferry, she said, "Can't we build a bridge to that thing?"
---Conan O'Brien
"McCain showed up [in D.C.] without Sarah Palin, which is a shame because she actually has a lot of banking and financial experience. She lived right next to a bank. ... Sarah Palin was in New York at the U.N. to meet world leaders. Previously, her world experience has been limited to visiting the Epcot Center in Orlando."
---Jimmy Kimmel
"I, for one, cannot think of anything more presidential than suspending your presidential campaign! Being president demands suspending all kinds of things: habeas corpus, Gitmo prisoners..."
---Stephen Colbert
"So to sum up: the net effect of John McCain 'suspending' his presidential campaign: angering David Letterman."
---Jon Stewart

"I was watching the news on television earlier, and George Bush says the economy is in danger. Nothing gets past this guy! Wow! Like a steel trap." --David Letterman

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