Friday, October 17, 2008

President Barack Obama?

   If you listen to or even read the latest comments from the bigger newspapers or the cable news shows, except for FOX, then you know that most are saying that after the last debate, John McCain might as well go home to Arizona.

   I feel the same way myself, but, I've watched these elections still be lost do to some crap such as " the Bradley Effect " and whatever. I think that the Bradley effect is just a lame cover for Republican election left, so don't celebrate the Obama victory yet people. It ain't over till it's over.

  That said, here are a few words from Ruben Navarrette Jr. from CNN. He's basically talking about how Obama beat McCain like he was his bitch in the last debate.

  Make no mistake, Barack Obama is one cool customer. Now, after the last debate, it seems all but certain that the Iceman cometh to the White House.

In this week's match-up, Obama snatched the gloves out of McCain's hands and slapped him silly with them. I suppose the hope was that Obama would get rattled and make a mistake. But Obama doesn't get rattled or make many mistakes.

Obviously, it takes a lot to get under Obama's skin. McCain sure tried. Maybe this is the guy we want negotiating with world leaders. Maybe after eight years of George W. Bush stubbornness, on the heels of eight years of Clinton emotiveness, we need to send out for ice.

  So how did the voters who watched the debate like McCain?

In the CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll, 70 percent of debate watchers found Obama more likable. Only 22 percent said that about McCain.

  I really do hope that Senator McCain's White House hopes are dashed to no end. The man is not likable and he has no honor, as we've since since he was nominated by the Republicans. John McCain took the drastic step of selling all that he was in order to be the next President and this country does not need someone as low as McCain in the White House. George Bush was enough for us and so too are the rest of the Republicans.


" Joe The Plumber " Says He'd Get Tax Cut With Obama's Plan

   Even this far right Republican had to finally admit that he would get a tax break under Barack Obama's tax plan.  I'm betting that the McCain campaign is now wishing that they had never introduced this plumber guy. McCain might have done better if he had gone with " Hanna the Hooker " or someone like that. But then again, maybe he has.

  Listen to Joe...