Saturday, December 13, 2008

Michael Moore: Senate Tells Middle Class To Drop Dead

   I'm about to post a letter from Michael Moore which I found over at the DailyKos only because Mr. Moore is right about the subject on which he is writing. The subject is the Big 3 automakers and their impending (?) bailout and the fact that the Republicans in the Senate are pretty much trying to tell Detroit and and the American middle-class to go to hell.

Senate to Middle Class: Drop Dead ...a message from Michael Moore

by Michael Moore   Fri Dec 12, 2008


They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers start building only cars and mass transit that reduce our dependency on oil.

They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers build cars that reduce global warming.

They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers withdraw their many lawsuits against state governments in their attempts to not comply with our environmental laws.

They could have given the loan on the condition that the management team which drove these once-great manufacturers into the ground resign and be replaced with a team who understands the transportation needs of the 21st century.

Yes, they could have given the loan for any of these reasons because, in the end, to lose our manufacturing infrastructure and throw 3 million people out of work would be a catastrophe.

But instead, the Senate said, we'll give you the loan only if the factory workers take a $20 an hour cut in wages, pension and health care. That's right. After giving BILLIONS to Wall Street hucksters and criminal investment bankers -- billions with no strings attached and, as we have since learned, no oversight whatsoever -- the Senate decided it is more important to break a union, more important to throw middle class wage earners into the ranks of the working poor than to prevent the total collapse of industrial America.

We have a little more than a month to go of this madness. As I sit here in Michigan today, tens of thousands of hard working, honest, decent Americans do not believe they can make it to January 20th. The malaise here is astounding. Why must they suffer because of the mistakes of every CEO from Roger Smith to Rick Wagoner? Make management and the boards of directors and the shareholders pay for this.

Of course that is heresy to the 31 Republicans who decided to blame the poor, miserable autoworkers for this mess. And our wonderful media complied with their spin on the morning news shows: "UAW Refuses to Give Concessions Killing Auto Bailout Bill." In fact the UAW has given concession after concession, reduced their benefits, agreed to get rid of the Jobs Bank and agreed to make it harder for their retirees to live from week to week. Yes! That's what we need to do! It's the Jobs Bank and the old people who have led the nation to economic ruin!

But even doing all that wasn't enough to satisfy the bastard Republicans. These Senate vampires  wanted blood. Blue collar blood. You see, they weren't opposed to the bailout because they believed in the free market or capitalism. No, they were opposed to the bailout because they're opposed to workers making a decent wage. In their rage, they were driven to destroy the backbone of this country, not because the UAW hadn't given back enough, but because the UAW hadn't given up.

It appears that the sitting President has been looking for a way to end his reign by one magnanimous act, just like a warlord on his feast day. He will put his finger in the dyke, and the fragile mess of an auto industry will eke through the next few months.

That will give the Senate enough time to demand that the bankers and investment sharks who've already swiped nearly half of the $700 billion gift a chance to make the offer of cutting their pay.

Fat chance.

Michael Moore

Friday, December 12, 2008

A Letter From The Republican Party

   No, it isn't a real letter from the GOP, but this made up letter does capture the true outlook and the morals of those Republicans which I have come to hate with a passion!

Dear Human Applicant:

We are writing to inform you that though we'd like to take steps to save the economy, allowing you to keep a roof over your head and food in your children's mouths, we've been informed that your gardener, Cruz, makes $18 dollars an hour, which far exceeds the pay for gardeners in your human competitor countries like China and South Korea.

Therefore we must insist you inform Cruz that unless he willingly cuts his salary in half and gives up his single family dwelling for housing more consistent with that of your competitors (see above right) we are going to be forced to use your tax refund to fund AIG's "Mercedes For Millionaires" program.

Additionally, we've learned that you have "Child Care" and that you are providing said "Child Care" with something you call "Health-Insurance".

We are somewhat baffled as to WHY you would provide said "Child Care" with said "Health Insurance" when its well known that many of your Human competitors not only don't provide their "Child Care" with "Health Insurance" but  forgo "Child Care" altogether by choosing not to hold down a job.

We strongly feel that you should rescind this "Health Insurance" scam in order to be stay competitive with Humans all over the world. After all would it be so hard for your "Child Care" to simply "Pray" for better health like your competition has for 3000 years?

Further concerns arise around your choice to adhere to concepts like "workplace safety", which is at odds with the practice of certain of your foreign based competitors.

For instance we hear that your Offspring (who does not even work) still has all its factory installed limbs, whereas Offspring in competitive countries (unburdened by child labor laws) have successfully existed for tens of years after having arms or legs amputated due to accidents in their place of gainful employment.

Therefore we are going to have to respectfully withhold further assistance until you can prove that you are willing to take the viability steps of removing your smoke detectors, gas shut off valves, as well as the cut-guard on your circular saw.

We do look forward to your submitting a fully-realized (HCRP) Human Competition Restructuring Plan, wherein we'd like you to consider not-educating any penis-challenged of your progeny (many of your competitors just sell them off for a dowry), executing any of your homosexual neighbors (stoning is a popular method) and going without potable water.


The Republican Party of The United States Of Free Markets*