Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Letter To President Obama

  While browsing around the net today, I found this letter which someone had written after seeing an image which made them weep.

  The image?



The Letter?

Dear Sir,
You've come to us when seemingly we need you the most. Some have claimed you arrived out of nowhere, but we've always known you were out there, somewhere, waiting. We've endured eight years of what can only be described as, dreadful hell. It's a fact that even the reddest of the elephants can not deny, pure hell indeed. Many of us have been astounded by the blatant lack of constitutional concern over this past decade. Will you hear our voices going forward? Will you continue to feel our fears, will you act? Corrections shall likely remain a lovely liberal pipe dream in face of a pragmatic center approach and this course you must choose to change. You see if no one is ever held accountable for these crimes then when will justice ever be just again?

No we do not expect an overnight miracle or a fast fix. We know it will take time. Yet, we do expect sincere effort. For we the people have long been forgotten. Helplessly watching our government sit back as towers collapse, cities sink, and our American Dreams turn to a nightmare. Our voices will never again be muted nor will the walls at 1600 Penn. Ave. silence our cries. Sir, we expect effort, sincere effort.
Like so many others I've waited, waited to see the uninspired become the inspired. That is the change you gave birth to. No this is certainly not the beginning anymore than it is the end, this simply is the 're-awakening' of what's long been missed. You see we knew you existed because we believed with whole hearts that John, Martin, Bobby, Teddy, Abe, and the Like were not the Last Great Men.

Last Nov. we were not voting just 'for you', we were voting for 'us'. Voting for all of us and yes, even for those who weren't casting for you. Our votes were cast for the return of all our military children to safety. We voted so we wouldn't have to see another city drown. Ballot after BLUE ballot were marked not for you but for us, for the cause of HOPE. For the hope of jobs, for a new found sense of 'For The People.' Will you be our hero? Will you go down in the ranks of glorious history, maybe, maybe not. Rest assured that we will though. We the people, the electorate of 2008, the door knockers, the phone bankers, volunteer after volunteer will forever be remembered for fighting for us and thus casting for you.
We've given you this job and we sincerely expect results. We've always known you were out there and now your time is here. All we ask of you is for you to the job we've given you as it is laid out before you. Do not lie to us to force unwarranted wars. Do not sit back while our neighbors thirst for FEMA. DO not ignore intelligence meant for our protection and no do not spy upon us for it either. DO no allow the rich to get richer from our suffering. Do no allow the insurers miss any of us. Do not allow our schools, bridges and securities continued failure. Basically, in short, do not allow another day to seem anything like any of the last 2920 days have been.

We may appear to be asking a lot of you, however, it's nothing more than a request for you to uphold the office you have been given. Yes patience is a virtue and no it can't all be mended overnight, so we will wait. Rest assured we will be watching closer than ever though. The bar has been raised for you through no fault of your own but that is not to be a crutch to lean upon. We've been waiting for so very long for this rebirth of hope. We've been waiting so very long for the day 'we' are again the top priority at 1600 Penn. Ave. Though you may stumble we are here to prevent the fall.

Now, sir, go forth as steadfast as you have shown us you are. Go forth knowing we are behind you and collectively we have demonstrated our force of change. Now go forth and make us all proud. Justify our lifelong dreams and beliefs that you were out there. Our voices got you there and thus, you now owe us nothing less than our dreams.
We The People!

  Have patience with OUR President. WE  have placed a lot upon his shoulders!

Monday, January 19, 2009

One Last Word To George Bush And His Friends

  One we'd like to see is this:






and just for you George: