Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Economic News...

...that is of no real consequence to most people.
Today is the one year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers' (LEHMQ) bankruptcy filing, and it is also the 1st year anniversary of the government's bailout of AIG (AIG). Nothing much to celebrate on either account, is there?
On more pressing news (?), retail sales went up some 2.7% in August with most of the credit for the jump coming from the government's Cash For Clunkers program. Most economist were predicting only a 2% gain in sales.
Not including cars and car parts, sales were up 1.1%.
So what will be the next program to keep sales rising in the United States? Rest assured that Uncle Sam will come up with something. In the mean time, how about another price increase with the minimum wage? You know, in the area of at least maybe $10 an hour so that the really low income resident would actually have a small shot at surviving? Would that be asking for to much? Why, of course it would.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

HART Line Bus System... the public transportation system down here in Tampa, Florida. It really does need to be replaced. Actually, the system is fine, it is the bus drivers who need to be canned and sent back to working at McDonalds or wherever the hell it is that they came from.
Hart Line bus drivers seem to be the laziest driver's that I've ever run across during my stays in various cities.
My actual complaint with these drivers is that they seem to not understand what being on time is. These drivers seem to think that they have their jobs in place, so fuck everyone else! At least that is the impression that myself and many other riders have.
Three days ago I was at the Hart Marion Street Transfer Station in downtown Tampa waiting for a route 1 bus to leave. This bus was due to depart at around 7:35 pm and this station was its point of origin, so there was no reason for this route to begin late. But nooooooooo! The driver of the bus finally came out of his little break-room at 7:45! Ten minutes late at the outset! What the fuck is that kind of service! Then the man wants to drive like he's in a NASCAR race at Daytona or somewhere! Of course, the driver didn't appologize for the late start. He said nothing to the riders on board.
This is not the first time that these drivers have come out of their little break-room late. On the same route a few weeks back, the criver was no where to be found. The security guard in the area had to go and find the man and bring him to the bus! What kind of shit is this?
And this service wants to raise its rates? It already cost riders 3.75 per day for an all day pass to ride the buses. A one-way trip cost you 1.75. Of course, with discounts for being poor or whatever, you can get on cheaper. That ain't the point. The service sucks no matter what the cost is!
I will say that HART does have a few very good drivers who know about customer service and about being on time. these few will bend over backwards in order to please their passengers. The other drivers should take note.
HARTLine, get with the program!